1. With recent improvements to IB API, the constraints re "Pacing violations" are somewhat relaxed (in practice).

Multicharts switched from 3D/request to 5D/request in their IB plug-in, and it works well/fast. Zorro uses 2D/req...

2. There are several new brokerCommand(s), which are not yet implemented for IB.

In particular,
- GET_MARGININIT/GET_MARGINMAINTAIN -especially with upcoming Combos implementation
- SET_SYMBOL - it kinda works but there is no description in the manual
- SET_PRICETYPE - I got a nod from support some time ago re implementation of IB's "5-sec true real-time bars". Hope to get this included into an upcoming plug-in update.
- SET_COMBO_LEG - there is a note requiring "matching expirations". IB API does not have this limitation (what broker does?), so hopefully, the upcoming combo's implementation will allow calendars.

Thanks a lot in advance.