Hello laugh Today I will give you a code which give player ability to enter in a car.I created only the feature's basics.I stopped working on this because I want to work on a shader ,R.A.G.E. .OK..player can enter in once car,and control it.
What you need??
1.Two entities:
ENTITY* currSelected;
ENTITY* pl_entity;

2.In your camera script the target must be currSelected.
3.In your player's function you need to set this:
pl_entity = ent_create(mdl_name,player_xyz,your_action);
cursSelected = pl_entity;

4.Now the script for vehicle:
ENTITY* vehicle;
action get_car()
me = vehicle;
you = pl_entity;
if(vec_dist(my.x,your.x) < 250)
currSelected = vehicle;
action vehicle()
vehicle = me;
on_yourkey = get_car;
if(currSelected == vehicle)
//add your movement script 

These are only the basics of this feature,i tried everything to get more cars buuut,nothing.
I hope that will be useful laugh