This code originally came from Kingdom of hearts and it's part of my snippets folder that I use for everything. It is camera collision, camera distance scrolling using mouse wheel and fades in and out on whatever entity.

var camera_distance = 200;			//How far away the initial distance is.
var temp;
VECTOR* tempV = {x=0;y=0;z=0;}
var fade_start = 90;             //at what distance to start fading
var fade_end = 60;					//at what distance to end the fading
var fade_toggle = 1; 				//0 = off; 1 = on

//Stable/rigid camera collision
function handle_camera() 
	camera_distance -= mickey.z * time_step;								//middle mouse scroll
	camera_distance = clamp(camera_distance, 0, 700);					//put a clamp on the total camera distance for mouse scrolling
	camera.pan -=  (key_cul - key_cur) * 12 * time_step;
	camera.tilt += (key_cud - key_cuu) * 8 * time_step;
	camera.tilt = clamp(camera.tilt, -60, -10);							//I like putting clamps on the amount of camera tilt also
	temp = fcos(camera.tilt, -camera_distance);
	vec_set(camera.x, vector(my.x + fcos(camera.pan, temp),my.y + fsin(camera.pan, temp),my.z + 35 + fsin(camera.tilt, -camera_distance)));

	vec_diff(tempV.x, camera.x, my.x); 										//find the vector from the player to the camera
	vec_normalize(tempV.x, 16); 												//get the magnitude of it's vector to 16 quants and store it in temp
	vec_add(tempV.x, camera.x); 												//add the vector (from player to camera) of a magnitude of 16 quants and add it to the camera's position.

	result = c_trace(my.x, tempV.x, IGNORE_ME|IGNORE_PASSABLE); 	//from the player trace to 16 quants behind the camera.
	if(result > 0) 																//c_trace returns a 1 if polygon target is hit
		vec_diff(tempV.x, my.x, target.x); 									//find the vector from the point the trace hit to the player
		vec_normalize(tempV.x, 16); 											//get the magnitude of this vector to 16 quants and store in temp
		vec_set(camera.x, target.x); 											//place the camera at the trace hit point
		vec_add(camera.x, tempV.x); 											//move the camera away from the wall by the vector temp, 16 quants towards the player
	}																					//start the alpha fade on the character for zooming in and out ***********************
	if(fade_toggle == 1)	{
				vec_diff(tempV.x, my.x, camera.x);							//get the difference between me and camera and copy it to tempV
				if(fade_start > 0) {	
		  			tempV.x = vec_length(tempV.x); 							// distance from camera to target
		  			if(tempV.x < fade_start) {
				   	   set(my, TRANSLUCENT); 								// fade to zero depending distance to fade end
			   		   reset(my, SHADOW);
	   																				//NOTE: use 1st max to avoid negative alpha
	   																				//use 2nd max to avoid dreaded divide by zero
	   			   	my.alpha = 100 * maxv(0, ((tempV.x - fade_end) / maxv(1,(fade_start - fade_end))));
	  				else {
			    		reset(my, TRANSLUCENT);
			    		set(my, SHADOW);
 		  		}//endif fade_start
   		}//endif fade_toggle == 1

Last edited by paracharlie; 02/19/14 00:34.

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