What is the status of physics objects and map entities? Are they supposed to have any sort of accurate collision system? Can they be used to interact with each other?

I have a map entity that moves with the ent_move commmand. If it collides with the physics entity then the physics entity basically goes right into it and then shoots away at a random direction with a very large force.

edit - What sort of reactions are supposed to take place between collisions of map entities and physics entities? Should the map entity push the physics object? If you have a physics object and a map entity collides with it from using the ent_move or c_move what is supposed to occur?

edit - after further testing the collision is indeed accurate with my map entity. The map entity overrides the physics action and pushes the physics ball out of the way. This was how I was hoping it would work... Except that I was hoping the map entity would simple continue at its normal speed and push the physics object away. I was unsure as to what extent that map entities and physics entitites could work together. Is the map entity supposed to slow down because it is colliding with a physics ball?

edit - after even more testing, it the collision problems that I have appear related to the speed of the map entities movement. This is probably the same sort of situation in the ball physics topic.
