Is there any way to set mip_flat or mip_shaded for individual entities?
my.mip_shaded, and my.mip_flat draws an error. So far it seems I can only set this variable in the main function.

I would like to tell individual entities to have different values, such as:
action vegetation()
my.material = vegetation_mat;
while (1)
if ((vec_dist (my.x, player.x) > 50000))
my.mip_flat = .1; //<---error
if(my.alpha > 0)
my.alpha -= 1*time_step;
set(my, INVISIBLE);
if ((vec_dist (my.x, player.x) <= 50000))
reset(my, INVISIBLE);
if(my.alpha < 100)
my.alpha += 1*time_step;
wait (1);

Last edited by oldschoolj; 02/13/08 14:13.

you can find me with my face in the keyboard, unshaven, listening to some nameless techno tragedy, and hashing through code over a cold cup a stale joe. __________________________________ yours truly