Non-Passable Bounding Box Needed

Posted By: Ruben

Non-Passable Bounding Box Needed - 10/24/17 02:26

I am trying to make the bounding box (manually set collision hull) surrounding an NPC to not allow the player to enter the bounding box. I successfully created a bounding box, as I can tell by pressing the F11 key twice and seeing it. However, the player is continually able to pass into the NPC's bounding box when I do not want it to.

I thought I knew how to do this in the past, but it has been awhile since I have done it, and I forgot. I thought I did everything I needed to do to make the bounding box non-passable, as follows:

function playerAdvance()
   c_move(me, move_vec, vector(0, 0, my.GRAVITY_VAR), 

action player_function()
   player = me;
   my.push = 10;
   my.eflags |= FAT | NARROW; 

   set(my, POLYGON);

   while (player_health > 0)




action villain_action()
   my.eflags |= FAT | NARROW;

   villain = me;
   my.push = 10;
   set(my, POLYGON);


   while (my.status != villain_dead)



void createVillain()
   villain = ent_create("villain.mdl",
      vector(-64,146,-111), villain_action );

   // set bounding box to individual values

function newGameButton()

   level_load ("gameWorld.wmb");

   hero = ent_create ( "player.mdl", vector(8,-606,-111),
      player_function ); 


I tried setting c_setminmax() before manually creating the bounding box. I also set the push value of the NPC to the same push value as the player. The model of the NPC itself is creating collision (Un-passable), but not the bounding box surrounding the NPC. I tried getting rid of c_setminmax(), but the same thing happens.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated in helping me to make the collision hull un-passable. Thank you.
Posted By: Superku

Re: Non-Passable Bounding Box Needed - 10/24/17 05:15

You cannot let the entity collide with another entity's bounding box (which is an ellipsoid, not a box) when you set POLYGON on the target or USE_POLYGON in c_move.
Posted By: Ruben

Re: Non-Passable Bounding Box Needed - 10/25/17 02:23

I commented out every instance of:

set(my, POLYGON); the previous code. I also changed the c_move function to this:

c_move(me, move_vec, vector(0, 0, my.GRAVITY_VAR), IGNORE_PASSABLE | 

Now what happens is that the player is still passing through the bounding box of the villain, and also passing through the villain's body itself. Before, collision would at least occur with the body of the villain itself, even though the bounding box was not offering collision. Now neither the villain's body nor the bounding box are causing collision.
Posted By: Ruben

Re: Non-Passable Bounding Box Needed - 10/25/17 02:32

The push values do not seem to be working. I set the player push value to 1, and the villain's push value to 100, and the player is still able to pass through the villain's bounding box.
Posted By: Ruben

Re: Non-Passable Bounding Box Needed - 10/25/17 17:29

Am I missing something in making the bounding box unpassable? I thought I remembered this being a lot easier to do, back when I knew how to do it.
Posted By: DriftWood

Re: Non-Passable Bounding Box Needed - 10/25/17 18:57


Give this a try... Also, makes sure you don't have a c_ignore setup wrong somewhere....
function playerAdvance()
   c_move(me, move_vec, vector(0, 0, my.GRAVITY_VAR), 
// testing beeping means contact
    if (HIT_TARGET)
    if (you == villain)


action player_function()
   player = me;
   my.eflags |= FAT | NARROW; 
//  c_setminmax(me);   // set my bounding box to my real size
// Don't need both, use one or the other


   while (player_health > 0)




action villain_action()

   villain = me;

   my.eflags |= FAT | NARROW;
//// ARE The Values correct
	 // set bounding box to individual values



   while (my.status != villain_dead)



void createVillain()
   villain = ent_create("villain.mdl",
      vector(-64,146,-111), villain_action );
  // Don't set a value on the object, outside the object. 
  // Villains action should control the BBOX - just good object-based thinking

Final notes. BBox's should penetrate each other a bit. As Super notes it's not really a box.

Edit - The example in shows the negative numbers under min_x not max_x. Is this a possible cause for your BBox not working
my.eflags |= FAT | NARROW;
//// ARE The Values correct
	 // set bounding box to individual values
Posted By: Ruben

Re: Non-Passable Bounding Box Needed - 10/30/17 00:44

Thank you DriftWood! Your solution worked! The wait(1) after the me = villain code seemed to be the finishing touch, and it appears you were right about the negative values being in the wrong place for the vec_set min/max. Thanks again.
Posted By: DriftWood

Re: Non-Passable Bounding Box Needed - 11/04/17 19:47

You're Welcome
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