MMORPG Where to start?

Posted By: RyuShinji

MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 15:43

hello i've made a few games but now, i want to try and make a very basic mmorpg that i could easly be built into a more advanced mmorpg,
what do i need to know to make an mmorpg?
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 15:57

Scripting mainly, i would start with just a basic level and add basic characters and weapons, then work your way up from there, i have a few downloaded tutorials on how to script one, if you need them.
Posted By: Quad

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 16:06

if i were you,

i would start with basic multi-player games(maybe just cahtting thingy as first project), then learn everything about acknex multiplayer features(or gstnet) by making small projects like this. then make some more complex ones ....

then make a multi player but no mmo rpg and for the last thing start my mmo project.
Posted By: RyuShinji

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 16:11

i've already made a more complicated mp game from the lockweed tutorial so i know some basics and more...

so i guess i'll start with the players just controling a ball each and then make chat systems and then attacking then enemys and stuff...

But how do i go from a quake style arena game to a mmorpg i dont mean the battle system or anything, just the online differences , do i need to know how to use dlls or mysql & how should i get a server host? things like that? "gstnet"?
Posted By: Quad

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 16:49

i see.

as you already have some experience, you better start playing with mysql(there is a plugin for both c-script and lite-c, D3D's i think.)

it's really much more fun to play with mysql, you may start with how do you do changes on a sql server or how you get info from it(i mean sql queries).

i tried some little things with GS&mysql using the plugin i mentioned above, it did pretty well.

But if you go more complex, sometimes you may need something more on sql side, in this case you should program the server on your own using c++ or other languages.

Gstnet is a multiplayer plugin for GS, much easier to use, but there is no lite-c version yet
Posted By: RyuShinji

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 19:26

Thank you so much this is perfect!

Could anyone tell me how mysql basicaly works with GS to create a mmorpg?,
as i understand it its like a sort of file like a "txt" file for example, that is acessed through a dll that stores info like variables such as health & level, am i right and is there anything that i'm missing?

in a normal arena type mp game someones computer is the server when they run the game in
server mode, so do i need some kind of host website to run my game in server mode 24/7, so people can join it and play it in thier 100s like a mmorpg?
is mysql updated & read from so often that it acts as a server itself?

sorry for the long question...
Posted By: Quad

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 20:46

1. in fact its not about gs, for mmo's, mysql does the storing info like accounts(username/pass),character info(int,dex,str,etc.),maybe atak power and so on, it's about how you design your game.

and mysql databeses not-exactly-but-like registry more than a txt file. it has a table hierarchy, like you have a accounts table,it has rows and columns, each row is an account and columns are like id,username,passwd,email,gender.


accounts table
id |uname |passwd |
1 |quads |123456 |//this one
______|_________|____________|//and this one stands for a line
2 |ryu |abcde |

you can make a registration page using php. the usage of functions are smiliar and queries are exactly same.(talking about php and GS)

to use this stored info in database there are functions like(i made up the func names im not sure )

handle = mysql_connect("mysqlusername","mysqlpassword",[maybe some more parameters like ip addres im not sure]);

using these you are now connected to your database

then you query your database, lets say user entered his user name as ryu and password as abcde and you want to check if that password is wrong or right.

then you make a query like(not from client to database,from server to database,i mean client sends username and password to server,server checks it)

result = mysql_query("SELECT uname,passwd FROM accounts WHERE uname = 'ryu'");

this returns a row, there are some other functions to parse them,so you get password from database only thing left is to check if it is same as the password that user entered or not.

if its right then you send(make another query) the user's characters' info.(say you have another table like:

id |name |level |dex |
1 |AAAA |12 |345 |//quads' first char.
1 |asdad |34 |123 |//quads' second.
2 |ryugaa |55 |455 |//ryu's first
2 |ryuzaki |9 |23 |//ryu's second

//(id points to the account id ) chars' with id 1 belongs to account with id 1.
//or you can design that things yourself

2. im not sure i exactly understand that

servers can be like one for database server and one for Game server.
sql server(including mysql) are designed for fast-access so queries will return the result fast but, making a lot of queries for unneeded things like store every step of character with queries and send them to other clients with some other queries will make server highly loaded, it will start to lag and even it will crash. This chamges from game to game but you may try sending other characters position and angle directly without storing them at the database(like in normal mp games,dont go to sql server,send info directly over gameserver), just store the last position(say when use logs off) and user will respawn in his last position when he logs in back.

a normal hosting's server and a normal home pc cant handle these, you may need to hire or buy a server machine that only works as your server, either you can run mysql server and game server in same Machine but again, for performance issues it will be better when they are on spare machines.

and a mysql server wont do the sending info to the client part, this is game server's job, mysql servers stores info and runs queries.

sorry for the long answer.
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 21:01

do you need help with PHP and MySql because i have some knowledge, i can make a registration page.
Posted By: RyuShinji

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 21:22

Thanks so much Quadraxas that was a great answer ^_^ I feel as if I’m understanding more and more...

Blade28081991 << That would be great but I’ll need some time to find out exactly how I want things to be atm I’m just trying to see how its possible for me to make a mmorpg with my current level of understanding, but shockingly I have 1 more question about mysql, where is the information stored? do I need to create a mysql account of my own? does GSTNet use someone else’s mysql account or do I need to link it to my own?

Well I guess that was like 3 or 4 question sorry but they are my last concerns
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 21:24

erm, well i have a MySql account, so i can create one for you, otherwise you will need to register with a free/paid host like awardspace(the one im with) and set up a MySql account there. With a free account you can only have 1 table.
Posted By: RyuShinji

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 21:33

I got something to do with mysql with my website doe that help?

it says "MySQL — with virtually unlimited databases *"
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 21:35

yer thats the thing, you have to then either make a table through adding each row yourself or by using a php code that creates the rows.
Posted By: Quad

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 21:36

there is no such thing like mysql account(yes teher is but they are for web sites they cant handle a mmorpg), mysql is a sql server technology, you install a mysql server software(wamp and some other software for windows, but there are some linux versions built to be a mysql server,using them can make you get more performance)

and Gstnet is mp plugin, mysql plugin is somthing else( in lite-c section but has c-script version) but you can use them together. mysql plugin comes with a cool example about getting info from server.

you must use your own mysql server(as i said in my prev. post you connect to server using its ip adress) and info is s stored in server's hdd, there is a database file.(directory is depending on the software you use, wamp uses a folder called databases)

AND you dont have to use mysql to build a mmo, you can use microsoft sql,psql etc.(but i dont know a plugin that uses these types of sql databeses)

to be more clear, Wamp(mysql server software) is something like "micrososft sql server 2005" but uses mysql instead of mssql

edit: the thing about web hosting servers cant handle mmo is that:

in shared hosting services as in the link, shares a server with more than one site(changes from hosting to hosting between 30 to 300) and they cant handle a mmorpg that constantly does losts of queries, this will make the other sites hosted on the server load slow and hosting company wont allow you to do that.

at this point you can try VPS s but believe me even you re creating a private server for a mmorpg(me and some of my friends created a knight online server before) after some number of users VPS s will not help too, you need to buy or hire a machine to use your own.

and let me add:
if you are making a very basic mmo that doesnt have much inside you can use your pc, for tests.

(the knight online server on my pc was able handle 55 players. sql server and game server were running on the same machine)
Posted By: RyuShinji

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 22:11

thank you Blade28081991 and Quadraxas ^_^

i cant thank you enough, i've read your previous post Quadraxas you did already say to use my own mysql server, i'm pretty sure i understand how the server and mysql would work & help when making a mmorpg, i'll save a copy of your posts for rivision ^_^ i'll make sure to thank you two again when i've got a basic working mmorpg,

thanks again!!!!
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 22:13

No Prob, if you get stuck using PHP or MySql, try these sites. PHP help W3 Schools, tutorials for all web related languages.
Posted By: Quad

Re: MMORPG Where to start? - 03/18/08 22:15

im glad that i can help someone
thank you too.
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