draw_... on big render targets

Posted By: txesmi

draw_... on big render targets - 10/14/15 17:00

draw_... intructions (but draw_line) do not take effect out of the engine window meassures when a custom render target bigger than the engine window is set.

Could it be fixed?
Thank you in advance.

Attached File
bitmap_zoom.zip  (232 downloads)
Posted By: jcl

Re: draw_... on big render targets - 10/19/15 09:30

I certainly trust that you're able to fix it. A render target can be as big as a barn door if your hardware permits.

First check out the render target examples, especially the pssm script, and compare them with your code. If you can not draw into all of the target area, check if you have correctly set up the viewport size with view.pos x/y and view.size x/y. Next thing to check is if you've correctly created a z buffer for your render target, and if it has the right size.

If you tried anything and can still not fix it, please post here again and I'll look through your code.
Posted By: txesmi

Re: draw_... on big render targets - 10/19/15 12:38

Yes, I encreased the zbuffer already.

bmap_zbuffer ( bmap_createblack ( 2048, 2048, 32 ) );

and encreased the size of the camera render target too.

level_load ( "" );
camera->bmap = bmap_createblack ( 2048, 2048, 32 );
camera->size_x = 2048;
camera->size_y = 2048;

wrote a function that fills a bitmap with with all draw_... instructions.

#define CHECKER_SIZE 128
void draw_map ( BMAP *bmpMap )
	bmap_rendertarget ( bmpMap, 0, 0 );
		draw_quad ( NULL, vector(0,0,0), NULL, vector(bmap_width(bmpMap),bmap_height(bmpMap),0), NULL, COLOR_WHITE, 100, 0 );
		int posX = 0;
		for ( ; posX<bmap_width(bmpMap); posX+=CHECKER_SIZE )
			int posY = 0;
			for ( ; posY<bmap_height(bmpMap); posY+=CHECKER_SIZE )
				if ( ( ( posX + posY ) / CHECKER_SIZE ) % 2 )
					draw_quad ( NULL, vector(posX,posY,0), NULL, vector(CHECKER_SIZE,CHECKER_SIZE,0), NULL, COLOR_BLUE, 100, 0 );
					txtObj->pos_x = posX + 15 + CHECKER_SIZE * 0.5;
					txtObj->pos_y = posY;
					draw_obj ( txtObj );
					draw_text ( "0", posX+15, posY+CHECKER_SIZE*0.5, COLOR_RED );
					panObj->pos_x = posX + CHECKER_SIZE * 0.5;
					panObj->pos_y = posY;
					draw_obj ( panObj );
				draw_line ( vector(posX,posY,0), COLOR_BLACK, 0 );
				draw_line ( vector(posX,posY,0), COLOR_BLACK, 100 );
				draw_line ( vector(posX+CHECKER_SIZE,posY+CHECKER_SIZE,0), COLOR_BLACK, 100 );
				draw_line ( vector(posX+CHECKER_SIZE,posY+CHECKER_SIZE,0), COLOR_BLACK, 0 );
	bmap_rendertarget ( NULL, 0, 0 );

The result over a 2048x2048 bitmap in a 1024x768 window. The bitmap is shown at 1:4 scale.

The result over a 2048x2048 bitmap in a 1440x900 window.

In both cases the drawn area fits the window size instead of fullfill the bitmap. The only draw_... instruction that takes effect out of the window meassures is draw_line.

Never had troubles with level rendering on oversized render targets. I have got a NvidiaGTX660, so no hardware problem at all, I guess.

Thanks for your answer,
Posted By: jcl

Re: draw_... on big render targets - 10/19/15 13:14

Thanks, we'll look into that. Your code snippets look fine to me. Maybe it's indeed something draw_quad specific. If so, then it will be fixed for the next update.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: draw_... on big render targets - 11/02/15 17:58

jcl Was there any confirmation on this issue? Just a yes/no on is a issue.
Posted By: jcl

Re: draw_... on big render targets - 11/05/15 10:56

As to my information it was an issue with 2d drawing commands. 2D drawing indeed is limited to the screen size. This is not a hard limit, so it can be worked around in the next update. 3D drawing should not be affected by this issue. So you could use for instance 3D sprite drawing commands for large offscreen buffers.
Posted By: Superku

Re: draw_... on big render targets - 11/23/17 16:49

If I'm not mistaken this issue has not been fixed yet, has it?
Can this be fixed (in the sense of will it be fixed) in the next update?
Posted By: Kartoffel

Re: draw_... on big render targets - 11/23/17 17:41

one workaround is to draw things yourself, for example using dx9's DrawPrimitiveUp. DrawPrimitiveUp is an old feature that has legacy support in directx 9 but it gets the job done. also it doesn't require you to create mesh data on your graphics card. instead it directly sends the vertex data to it (has pros and cons).

this is what I'm using for my 2D renderer and it works pretty well. here's a basic example using the fixed function pipeline (using shaders would work, too). I didn't include culling, partial clipping of images and some other stuff that I had in there, (you might want to split setting the sampler states and the FVF into another function as this only needs to be done once every frame).

#include <acknex.h>
#include <d3d9.h>

// some datatypes

typedef byte bool;

typedef struct int_x
	int x, y;
} int_xy;

typedef struct int_xyzw
	int x, y, z, w;
} int_xyzw;

typedef struct int_rect
	int left, top, right, bottom;
} int_rect;

typedef struct float_rect
	float left, top, right, bottom;
} float_rect;


typedef struct BMAP_DRAW_VERTEX
	float x, y, z;
	float rhw;
	D3DCOLOR color; 
	float u, v;

#define D3DFVF_BMAP_DRAW_VERTEX (D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_TEX1) // vertex's content ("Flexible" Vertex Format)

BMAP_DRAW_VERTEX _bmap_draw_vertices[4]; // vertices used for _bmap_draw, defining them locally inside the function was slower when I tested it, I think?


void bmap_draw(BMAP * Bmap, int_rect * iRect, float_rect * fUV, bool AlphaBlendEnable, D3DCOLOR Color)
	/// vertices-setup ///
	_bmap_draw_vertices[0].x = _bmap_draw_vertices[2].x = iRect->left;
	_bmap_draw_vertices[0].y = _bmap_draw_vertices[1].y = iRect->top;
	_bmap_draw_vertices[1].x = _bmap_draw_vertices[3].x = iRect->right;
	_bmap_draw_vertices[2].y = _bmap_draw_vertices[3].y = iRect->bottom;
	_bmap_draw_vertices[0].u = _bmap_draw_vertices[2].u = fUV->left;
	_bmap_draw_vertices[0].v = _bmap_draw_vertices[1].v = fUV->top;
	_bmap_draw_vertices[1].u = _bmap_draw_vertices[3].u = fUV->right;
	_bmap_draw_vertices[2].v = _bmap_draw_vertices[3].v = fUV->bottom;
	_bmap_draw_vertices[0].color = _bmap_draw_vertices[1].color = _bmap_draw_vertices[2].color = _bmap_draw_vertices[3].color = Color;
	/// drawing ///
	// get the active D3D device
	if(!AlphaBlendEnable) // alphablending?
		pd3dDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, 2); // ONE
		pd3dDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, 1); // ZERO
		pd3dDev->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE);
		pd3dDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, 5); // SRCALPHA
		pd3dDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, 6); // INCSRCALPHA
	// set texture
	pd3dDev->SetTexture(0, Bmap->d3dtex); // NOTE: BMAP* needs to have a valid format! (8888 works, for example)
	pd3dDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG1, D3DTA_TEXTURE); // texture sampling and color-op
	pd3dDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE);
	pd3dDev->SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP, D3DTOP_MODULATE); // multiply texture with color
	// draw triangles
	pd3dDev->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, (LPVOID)_bmap_draw_vertices, sizeof(BMAP_DRAW_VERTEX));

int get_next_pow2(int x) // get next power of two
	int xp2;
	for(xp2 = 1; xp2 < x; xp2 <<= 1);
	return xp2;

void bmap_UV_to_fUV(int_xy * BmapDimensions, int_rect * UV, float_rect * Dest_fUV) // convert uv in pixels (UV) to uv in [0,1] range (Dest_fUV)
	if(UV != NULL)
		Dest_fUV->left   = UV->left;
		Dest_fUV->top    = UV->top;
		Dest_fUV->right  = UV->right;
		Dest_fUV->bottom = UV->bottom;
		Dest_fUV->left   = 0.0;
		Dest_fUV->top    = 0.0;
		Dest_fUV->right  = BmapDimensions->x;
		Dest_fUV->bottom = BmapDimensions->y;
	int xpow2 = get_next_pow2(BmapDimensions->x);
	int ypow2 = get_next_pow2(BmapDimensions->y);
	// apply half pixel offset and compensate strechting (due to non power of two dimensions)
	Dest_fUV->left   = (Dest_fUV->left   + 0.5) / (float)xpow2;
	Dest_fUV->top    = (Dest_fUV->top    + 0.5) / (float)ypow2;
	Dest_fUV->right  = (Dest_fUV->right  + 0.5) / (float)xpow2;
	Dest_fUV->bottom = (Dest_fUV->bottom + 0.5) / (float)ypow2;

void main()
	fps_max = 60;
	// only needed to set once (since vertex array is global)
	_bmap_draw_vertices[0].z = _bmap_draw_vertices[1].z = _bmap_draw_vertices[2].z = _bmap_draw_vertices[3].z = 0.0; // no depth needed
	_bmap_draw_vertices[0].rhw = _bmap_draw_vertices[1].rhw = _bmap_draw_vertices[2].rhw = _bmap_draw_vertices[3].rhw = 1.0; // no perspective
	BMAP * bmap = bmap_create(ImageFileNameHere);
	bmap_to_format(bmap, 8888); // depending on the bmap's format, this is sometimes necessary to force the engine to create a valid d3dtexture for the bmap
	int_rect DrawRect; // target position for drawing
	DrawRect.left = 50;
	DrawRect.top = 30;
	DrawRect.right = DrawRect.left + bmap_width(bmap);
	DrawRect.bottom = DrawRect.top + bmap_height(bmap);
	int_xyzw BmapDimensions; // size of the bmap in pixels
	BmapDimensions.x = bmap_width(bmap);
	BmapDimensions.y = bmap_height(bmap);
	int_rect UV; // min/max UVs in PIXELS
	UV.left = UV.top = 0.0;
	UV.right = BmapDimensions.x;
	UV.bottom = BmapDimensions.y;
	float_rect fUV; // float UVs in [0,1] range
	bmap_UV_to_fUV(&BmapDimensions, &UV, &fUV); // also possible: use NULL as input UV to use the whole image
		bmap_draw(bmap, &DrawRect, &fUV, true, 0xFFFFFFFF);

Also keep in mind that setting those samplers might cause other 2d stuff to render incorrectly (like DEBUG_BMAP maybe), just in case some things render strangely. It works for me, though.

Edit: I forgot: this also works together with bmap_rendertarget()
Posted By: Superku

Re: draw_... on big render targets - 11/23/17 19:35

Oh that's very interesting... thanks for sharing.
I'd need to be able to draw (Unicode) text as well. Hard to judge from a first glance if that's possible that way but I may dig deeper next week.
Posted By: Kartoffel

Re: draw_... on big render targets - 11/23/17 19:39

Unicode might be tricky, I never did any text rendering except the default 8bit ascii stuff (using textures as fonts).
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