Batch processing historical data in CSV format

Posted By: boatman

Batch processing historical data in CSV format - 07/31/15 09:27

I have a set of historical price data from which is aligned to the EST time zone (no adjustments for daylight savings). I would like to convert this to .bar files for use in Zorro using the code below, taken from the manual.

I believe that I first need to convert the time-stamps on the data to UTC time. Does anyone know a way to do this via script to prevent having to do it manually for hundreds of CSV files?

The data is semi-colon delimited of the format:
20150501 000200;0.954100;0.954330;0.954070;0.954110;0
So I guess I need some way to add 5 hours to each time stamp.

Thanks for any suggestions!

// import a historic data file from .csv

string InName = "Data\\DAT_ASCII_EURUSD_M1_2013.csv";  // name of the CSV file
string OutName = "History\\";

string readTick(string content,TICK* tick)
// tokenize a single line  
  char* line = strtok(content,"\n");
  if(!line) return 0;
// read "20100103 170000;1.430100;1.430400;1.430100;1.430400;0"
  int Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second; 
  if(10 != sscanf(line,"%4d%2d%2d %2d%2d%2d;%f;%f;%f;%f;",
    &Year, &Month, &Day, &Hour, &Minute, &Second,
    &tick->fOpen, &tick->fHigh, &tick->fLow, &tick->fClose)) 
    return 0;
// store the time in DATE format (ConvertTime is defined in Convert.c)
// make sure that the time is UTC time!!
  tick->time = ConvertTime(Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second);

// return pointer to next line
  return line+strlen(line)+1;

function main()
    quit("Data file not found!");
// allocate TICK array    
  int maxticks = 60*24*365; // 1 year
  TICK* ticks = malloc(maxticks*sizeof(TICK)),
    tick = ticks+maxticks; 

// read ticks in reverse order  
  string content = file_content(InName);
    content = readTick(content,--tick);

// store the ticks
  int size = (int)(ticks+maxticks)-(int)(tick+1);

  printf("\nRead %d ticks",size/sizeof(TICK));

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