Rect vs. circle intersection test

Posted By: 3run

Rect vs. circle intersection test - 01/08/18 11:38

Hi there!

Thx to this article and MasterQ32's idea, I was able to get rectangular vs circle collision / intersection test.
I'm going to use this for detecting if character was smashed with a door, elevator or any other moving props on the level.

Here it is (also contains bbox drawing helper functions):

void draw_line_3d(VECTOR *s, VECTOR *e, COLOR *c, var a){
	draw_line3d(&s->x, NULL, a);
	draw_line3d(&s->x, c, a);
	draw_line3d(&e->x, c, a);

void draw_bbox_3d(ENTITY *ent, COLOR *c, var a){
	VECTOR pos[8];
	vec_set(&pos[0], vector(ent->min_x, ent->min_y, ent->min_z));
	vec_rotate(&pos[0], &ent->pan);
	vec_add(&pos[0], &ent->x);
	vec_set(&pos[1], vector(ent->min_x, ent->max_y, ent->min_z));
	vec_rotate(&pos[1], &ent->pan);
	vec_add(&pos[1], &ent->x);
	vec_set(&pos[2], vector(ent->max_x, ent->max_y, ent->min_z));
	vec_rotate(&pos[2], &ent->pan);
	vec_add(&pos[2], &ent->x);
	vec_set(&pos[3], vector(ent->max_x, ent->min_y, ent->min_z));
	vec_rotate(&pos[3], &ent->pan);
	vec_add(&pos[3], &ent->x);
	vec_set(&pos[4], vector(ent->min_x, ent->min_y, ent->max_z));
	vec_rotate(&pos[4], &ent->pan);
	vec_add(&pos[4], &ent->x);
	vec_set(&pos[5], vector(ent->min_x, ent->max_y, ent->max_z));
	vec_rotate(&pos[5], &ent->pan);
	vec_add(&pos[5], &ent->x);
	vec_set(&pos[6], vector(ent->max_x, ent->max_y, ent->max_z));
	vec_rotate(&pos[6], &ent->pan);
	vec_add(&pos[6], &ent->x);
	vec_set(&pos[7], vector(ent->max_x, ent->min_y, ent->max_z));
	vec_rotate(&pos[7], &ent->pan);
	vec_add(&pos[7], &ent->x);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[0], &pos[1], c, a);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[1], &pos[2], c, a);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[2], &pos[3], c, a);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[3], &pos[0], c, a);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[0], &pos[4], c, a);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[1], &pos[5], c, a);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[2], &pos[6], c, a);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[3], &pos[7], c, a);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[4], &pos[5], c, a);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[5], &pos[6], c, a);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[6], &pos[7], c, a);
	draw_line_3d(&pos[7], &pos[4], c, a);

function rect_vs_circle_check(ENTITY *rect, ENTITY* circle){
	VECTOR pos;
	vec_diff(&pos, &circle->x, &rect->x);
	vec_rotateback(&pos, &rect->pan);
	vec_add(&pos, &rect->x);
	var delta_x = pos.x - maxv(rect->x + rect->min_x, minv(pos.x, rect->x + rect->max_x));
	var delta_y = pos.y - maxv(rect->y + rect->min_y, minv(pos.y, rect->y + rect->max_y));
	var delta_z = pos.z - maxv(rect->z + rect->min_z, minv(pos.z, rect->z + rect->max_z));
	var rect_delta = (delta_x * delta_x) + (delta_y * delta_y) + (delta_z * delta_z);
	if(rect_delta < (circle->max_x * circle->max_x)){ return(1); }

void main(){
	warn_level = 6;
	fps_max = 60;
	mouse_mode = 4;
	sun_light = 0;
	camera->arc = 5;
	set(camera, ISOMETRIC);
	vec_set(&camera->x, vector(0, 0, 128));
	vec_set(&camera->pan, vector(0, -90, 0));
	ENTITY *rect = ent_create(CUBE_MDL, vector(0, 0, 0), NULL);
	vec_set(&rect->scale_x, vector(1, 0.5, 1));
	ENTITY *circle = ent_create(SPHERE_MDL, vector(0, 16, 0), NULL);
	set(circle, TRANSLUCENT | LIGHT | UNLIT);
	vec_set(&circle->scale_x, vector(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
		VECTOR temp;
		vec_set(&temp, vector(mouse_pos.x, mouse_pos.y, 128));
		vec_for_screen(&temp, camera);
		vec_set(&circle->x, &temp);
		rect->pan += 5 * time_step;
		vec_set(&rect->blue, COLOR_GREEN);
		vec_set(&circle->blue, COLOR_GREEN);
		draw_bbox_3d(rect, COLOR_WHITE, 100);
		draw_bbox_3d(circle, COLOR_WHITE, 100);
		if(rect_vs_circle_check(rect, circle) == 1){
			vec_set(&rect->blue, COLOR_RED);
			vec_set(&circle->blue, COLOR_RED);
		if(mouse_left){ time_factor = 0.5; }
		else{ time_factor = 1; }

Best regards!
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