mickey.z simple alternative/fix

Posted By: Reconnoiter

mickey.z simple alternative/fix - 03/05/17 12:45


Since mickey.z is bugged for touchpads and touchscreens here is a simple alternative. Its not yet entirely smooth if you constantly scroll or pinch in/out (my math is not the best grin ), but it doesn't get stuck like mickey.z and is smooth for single pinches or scrolls. Dont know how well it works for mouse scroll weapon switching though, but for camera zooming it works well.

var mouseScroll = 0; //use this instead of mickey.z
var mouseScrollCheck = 0;

void init_mouseScroll_startup () {
	while (1) {
		if (mouseScrollCheck != mickey.z) {
			mouseScroll = mickey.z - mouseScrollCheck;
			mouseScrollCheck = mickey.z;
		else {
			mouseScroll *= pow(0.96, time_step*4);

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