Ultra Simple Platformer Script

Posted By: MasterQ32

Ultra Simple Platformer Script - 03/28/16 17:15

Just a small demonstration of how to create a simple platformer system with jumping and collision with platforms in 2D.
No use of any engine functions except for draw_quad and draw_line.

 * Licence:
 * Public Domain

#include <acknex.h>
#include <keys.c>

typedef struct {
	float x0, x1, y;
} Platform;

Platform platforms[10];

// Noteworthy information:
// the game logic handles y coordinates in mathematical way: +y is up, -y is down.
// y = 0 is the bottom of the screen
// all coordinates are in pixels, pixels/tick or pixels/tickČ

function main()
	fps_max = 60;
	int i;
	// Initialize some random platforms
	for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		platforms[i].x0 = random(screen_size.x - 64);
		platforms[i].x1 = platforms[i].x0 + 64;
		platforms[i].y = 64 + random(screen_size.y - 128);
	// Start on the first platform
	var playerX = 0.5 * (platforms[0].x0 + platforms[0].x1);
	var playerY = platforms[0].y;
	var velX = 0.0;
	var velY = 0.0;
	while(1) {
		// move left/right
		if(key_cul) {
			velX -= 10 * time_step;
		} else if(key_cur) {
			velX += 10 * time_step;
		// damp our movement a little so we will come to a stop
		velX *= 0.8;
		// Apply gravity
		velY -= 5 * time_step;
		// Check collision with each platform to disable downwards movement
		var isStanding = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
			// Check for left/right bound
			if((playerX + 10) < platforms[i].x0) {
			if((playerX - 10) > platforms[i].x1) {
			// If we are in range around the platform, we are standing on it
			if(abs(playerY - platforms[i].y) <= 1) {
				isStanding = 1;
			// Extrapolate player movement in newY
			var oldY = playerY;
			var newY = playerY + velY * time_step;
			// If we start moving below the platform, just ignore the platform
			if(oldY < platforms[i].y)
			// If we end moving above the platform, also ignore the platform
			if(newY > platforms[i].y)
			// If we move from above the platform below the platform, we should collide with it:
			// Cheat ourselves to the platform top
			playerY = platforms[i].y;
			// Stop moving in vertical direction
			velY = 0.0;
			// We are also standing if we collided with the platform
			isStanding = 1;
		if(isStanding == 1) {
			// Apply jump force
				velY += 32;
		// Move our player
		playerX += velX * time_step;
		playerY += velY * time_step;
		// Draw the player. (playerX, playerY) is the center position of our players feet.
			vector(playerX - 10, screen_size.y - playerY - 40, 0),
			vector(20, 40, 0),
		// Draw each platform
		for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
			// this is engine specific, moves the drawing cursor
			draw_line(vector(platforms[i].x0, screen_size.y - platforms[i].y, 0), NULL, 100);
			draw_line(vector(platforms[i].x0, screen_size.y - platforms[i].y, 0), COLOR_RED, 100);
			draw_line(vector(platforms[i].x1, screen_size.y - platforms[i].y, 0), COLOR_RED, 100);

Posted By: Nicros

Re: Ultra Simple Platformer Script - 03/28/16 22:07

Works very nice so far wink .
But had to include the function 'randomize()' at the beginning to make the positions of the platforms really random.
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