Enemy Code - Problem with c_scan and c_trace

Posted By: DexLoomer

Enemy Code - Problem with c_scan and c_trace - 12/20/14 18:01

Hi Folks,
i have a Problem with my enemy code. After c_trace (line 97) for the gravity, the c_scan (line 108) donīt work. But the enemy need the c_scan to look for the player. Please can enybody help me?

// enemy.c

// Enemy movement code

var speed_down = 2;   // downward speed by gravity
var stand_percentage, run_percentage, attack_percentage;
var frames_blocked = 0;


FONT* arial_font = "Arial#20";
PANEL* framesblocked_pan =
	layer = 16;
  	digits(600, 4, "Frames Blocked: %.f", arial_font, 1, frames_blocked);	
  	digits(600, 20, "Zufall: %.f", arial_font, 1, zufall);	
	flags = SHOW;


ENTITY* enemy_weapon;
VECTOR weapon_tip;
VECTOR weapon_base;


function enemy_stands()
	ent_animate(my, "stand", stand_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); // then play the "stand" animation
	stand_percentage += 2 * time_step; // 2 sets the "stand" animation speed	

function enemy_attacks()
  	ent_animate(my, "attack", attack_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); // then play the "attack" animation
	attack_percentage += 6 * time_step; // 6 sets the "attack" animation speed

	 vec_for_vertex(weapon_tip, me, 41); // sword tip vertex coords - get the value in Med!!
    vec_for_vertex(weapon_base, me, 11); // sword base vertex coords - get the value in Med!!                               
	 result=c_trace(weapon_tip.x, weapon_base.x, IGNORE_ME|IGNORE_PASSABLE ); 
	if (result > 0) // detected the player? Then hurt it!
		players_health -= 5 * time_step; // 5 gives the damage factor
		players_health = maxv(players_health, 0); // don't allow the health to go below zero

function attach_enemyweapon() // keep in sync the enemy and its weapon
	enemy_weapon = my; // this is the weapon that's attached to the enemy
	proc_mode = PROC_LATE;
	set (my, PASSABLE);
	while (you)
		vec_set(my.x, you.x);
	   vec_set(my.pan, you.pan);
   	my.frame = you.frame;
	   my.next_frame = you.next_frame;					

function enemy_was_hit()
	if (you.skill88 == 1357) // the enemy was hit by one of player's bullets?
		my.skill99 = 0; // then the enemy must die!


action enemy_code()
	var dist_down;
	var chasing_player = 0;
	VECTOR temp1, enemy_target;
	VECTOR pos1, pos2;
	ANGLE temp_angle;				
   VECTOR vFeet;
   vec_for_min(vFeet,me); // vFeet.z = distance from player origin to lowest vertex
	// wait until the player model is loaded
	while (!player) {wait (1);}
	my.event = enemy_was_hit; // run the enemy event function when it collides with an entity
	my.skill99 = 100; // stores the enemy's health	
	my.skill98 = frames_blocked; // frames_blocked 	
	ent_create("mace.mdl", my.x, attach_enemyweapon);
	while (my.skill99 > 0) // run this loop for as long as the enemy is alive
			// determine the ground distance by a downwards trace 
    		if (c_trace(my.x,vector(my.x,my.y,my.z-1000),IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_BOX) > 0)
			dist_down = my.z + vFeet.z - target.z; // get distance between player's feet and the ground
         dist_down = 0;
			// apply gravity when the player is in the air
   	   if (dist_down > 0)  // above floor, fall down with increasing speed
         dist_down = clamp(dist_down,0,accelerate(speed_down,5,0.1));
   	   else                // on or below floor, set downward speed to zero
         speed_down = 0;	
		vec_set(pos2.x, my.x);
		c_scan(my.x, my.pan, vector(120, 60, 1000), IGNORE_ME | SCAN_ENTS | SCAN_LIMIT);
		if (you == player)		
			if (vec_dist (player.x, my.x) > 80) // the enemy didn't come close enough to the player yet?
				vec_set(enemy_target, player.x);
				vec_sub(enemy_target, my.x); 
				vec_to_angle(temp_angle, enemy_target);
				my.pan += ang(temp_angle.pan - my.pan) * 0.25 * time_step;
				ent_animate(my, "run", run_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); // then play the "run" animation
					c_move (my, vector(10 * time_step, 0, -dist_down), nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE);	// 
				run_percentage += 6 * time_step; // 6 = "run" animation speed	
				chasing_player = 1;			
			else // the enemy is close enough to the player here
				vec_set(temp1, player.x);
				vec_sub(temp1, my.x);
				vec_to_angle(my.pan, temp1);
				my.tilt = 0;
				enemy_attacks(); // so let's play the enemy's "attack" animation
				chasing_player = 2;	
		else // the player wasn't detected
			chasing_player = 0;
			enemy_stands(); // so let's play the enemy's "stand" animation			
		vec_set(pos1.x, my.x);
		wait (1);
		// the enemy is supposed to chase the player, but it can't move?
		if ((abs(vec_dist(pos1.x, pos2.x)) < 0.1) && (chasing_player == 1))
		my.skill98 += 1; // frames_blocked will store the number of consecutive frames when the enemy is unable to move
		frames_blocked = my.skill98; 
		else // the enemy managed to move?		
		my.skill98 = 0; // then let's reset frames_blocked
		if (my.skill98 > 50) // the enemy was unable to move for 50 consecutive frames?	
			my.skill55 = my.pan;
			while (my.pan < (my.skill55 + 90))
				my.pan += 50 * time_step;
				wait (1);
			my.skill44 = 0;
			while (my.skill44 < 1.5) // move sideways for 1.5 seconds
				my.skill44 += time_step / 16;
				ent_animate(my, "run", run_percentage, ANM_CYCLE); // play the "run" animation
				run_percentage += 6 * time_step; // 6 = "run" animation speed	
				c_move (my, vector(10 * time_step, 0, 0), nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE);	
				wait (1);
			my.skill55 = my.pan;
			while (my.pan > (my.skill55 - 90))
				my.pan -= 50 * time_step;
				wait (1);
	// the enemy is dead here
	my.skill40 = 0; // skill40 controls the "death" animation
   while (my.skill40 < 95) // don't play all the animation frames because the result doesn't always look good
		ent_animate(my, "death", my.skill40, NULL); // play the "death" animation
      my.skill40 += 2 * time_step; // "death" animation speed
      wait (1);
   set (my, PASSABLE); // the corpse will be passable from now on

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