Has anyone suceeded using D3DXCreateMeshFVF with A8

Posted By: EvilSOB

Has anyone suceeded using D3DXCreateMeshFVF with A8 - 04/18/12 17:35

Im trying to manually create and use a mesh in A8 like I did
back in the A7 days, but it just keeps producing invalid meshes.

So invalid are they that the engine generates a windows crash on exit.

So has anyone SUCESSFULLY gotten it to work in A8 yet?

Preferably with a small WORKING sample code to demo it?

Thanks guys...
Posted By: fogman

Re: Has anyone suceeded using D3DXCreateMeshFVF with A8 - 04/18/12 19:43

Download this and take a look at "meshes.c":


Though it uses D3DXCreateMesh, not D3DXCreateMeshFVF.
Posted By: EvilSOB

Re: Has anyone suceeded using D3DXCreateMeshFVF with A8 - 04/19/12 06:26

That link is no good to me dude.

Its a compacted EXE, so there is mo way for me to get
to the "meshes.c" file...

Can you just post the relevent piece of source-code?
(just the function itself and any relevent global references)

Thanks dude.
Posted By: rojart

Re: Has anyone suceeded using D3DXCreateMeshFVF with A8 - 04/19/12 08:19

The reason of the problem is that A8 uses not the FVF definition, but a slightly different vertex declaration for the mesh. You must call D3DXCreateMesh, not D3DXCreateMeshFVF.

here is my simple example how it works:

#include <default.c>
#include <ackphysx.h>
#include <d3d9.h>

#define PRAGMA_PATH "%EXE_DIR%\samples"

#define NVB 9  // Number of Vertices
#define NIB 42 // Number of Indexes
#define NAB 14 // Number of Attributes


short pib[NIB];
long  pab[NAB];

ENTITY* ent;

function create_house(ENTITY *entity) {

	//printf("Total number of mesh vertices = %d", (long)ent_status(entity, 1));
	int num_triangles = NAB;
	int num_vertices  = NVB;
	// Vertices

	pvb[0].x = -8;pvb[0].y =  8;pvb[0].z = -8;
	pvb[1].x =  8;pvb[1].y =  8;pvb[1].z = -8;
	pvb[2].x =  8;pvb[2].y =  8;pvb[2].z =  8;
	pvb[3].x = -8;pvb[3].y =  8;pvb[3].z =  8;
	pvb[4].x = -8;pvb[4].y = -8;pvb[4].z = -8;
	pvb[5].x =  8;pvb[5].y = -8;pvb[5].z = -8;
	pvb[6].x =  8;pvb[6].y = -8;pvb[6].z =  8;
	pvb[7].x = -8;pvb[7].y = -8;pvb[7].z =  8;
	pvb[8].x =  0;pvb[8].y = 32;pvb[8].z =  0;
	// Triangles / Attributes
	pib[ 0] = 6;pib[ 1] = 2;pib[ 2] = 7; pab[ 0] = 0;
	pib[ 3] = 3;pib[ 4] = 7;pib[ 5] = 2; pab[ 1] = 1;
	pib[ 6] = 7;pib[ 7] = 3;pib[ 8] = 4; pab[ 2] = 2;
	pib[ 9] = 0;pib[10] = 4;pib[11] = 3; pab[ 3] = 3;
	pib[12] = 4;pib[13] = 0;pib[14] = 5; pab[ 4] = 4;
	pib[15] = 1;pib[16] = 5;pib[17] = 0; pab[ 5] = 5;
	pib[18] = 5;pib[19] = 1;pib[20] = 6; pab[ 6] = 6;
	pib[21] = 2;pib[22] = 6;pib[23] = 1; pab[ 7] = 7;
	pib[24] = 7;pib[25] = 4;pib[26] = 6; pab[ 8] = 8;
	pib[27] = 5;pib[28] = 6;pib[29] = 4; pab[ 9] = 9;
	pib[30] = 3;pib[31] = 8;pib[32] = 0; pab[10] = 10;
	pib[33] = 2;pib[34] = 8;pib[35] = 3; pab[11] = 11;
	pib[36] = 1;pib[37] = 8;pib[38] = 2; pab[12] = 12;
	pib[39] = 0;pib[40] = 8;pib[41] = 1; pab[13] = 13;
	D3DXCreateMesh(num_triangles, num_vertices, D3DXMESH_MANAGED , pvertexdecl, pd3ddev, &pMesh);

	D3DVERTEX *pnewvb;  pMesh->LockVertexBuffer(0, (void**)&pnewvb);
	short *pnewib;  pMesh->LockIndexBuffer(0, (void**)&pnewib);
	long *pnewab;  pMesh->LockAttributeBuffer(0, &pnewab);
	memcpy(pnewvb, pvb, num_vertices*ent_status(entity,22));
	memcpy(pnewib, pib, num_triangles*3*sizeof(short));
	memcpy(pnewab, pab, num_triangles*sizeof(long));

	//int entBuffer = ent_buffers(entity,0,0,&pnewvb,&pnewib,&pnewab);
	//printf("Number of triangles of the mesh = %i", entBuffer);
	ent_setmesh(entity, pMesh, 0, 0); //printf("ent_setmesh(entity, pMesh, 0, 0);");
	//int entBuffer = ent_buffers(entity,0,0,&pnewvb,&pnewib,&pnewab);
	//printf("Number of triangles of the mesh = %i", entBuffer);

	//printf("Total number of mesh vertices = %d", (long)ent_status(entity, 1));

function init_mesh() {
	ent = ent_create(CUBE_MDL, vector(-100, 0, 0), NULL);
	ent_clone(ent); set(ent, SHADOW|CAST);


function spot1() {

	my.lightrange = 500;
	while(1) {
		my.pan += 3*time_step;
		my.tilt = -60;

function spot2() {

	my.lightrange = 500;
	while(1) {
		my.pan -= 3*time_step;
		my.tilt = -60;

function main() {

	video_set(1024, 768, 32, 2);
	fps_max = 60; sun_light = 0;
	shadow_stencil = 1;
	init_mesh(); wait_for(init_mesh);
	int i; for(i=1;i<NAB+1;i++)
	ent_setskin(ent, bmap_fill(bmap_createblack(32,32,24),vector(50+integer(random(255)),100+integer(random(255)),100+integer(random(255))),100),i);
	ent.ambient = 50;
	//printf("Total number of model skins = %d", (long)ent_status(ent, 8));
	you = ent_create(CUBE_MDL,vector(0,0,200),spot1);
	you = ent_create(CUBE_MDL,vector(100,0,200),spot2);
	while(1) {
		pX_pick(); // pick and move the mesh with the cursor

function on_esc_event() {
	pMesh = ent_getmesh(ent,0,0);

Posted By: sivan

Re: Has anyone suceeded using D3DXCreateMeshFVF with A8 - 04/19/12 08:52

cool stuff,
I'm just thinking of making grass procedurally by groups of simple rectangular d3dxmesh-es, joining them to one entity, and applying a skin afterwards by ent_setskin, and setting uv-s by ent_setvertex, as the rectangles are simple enough to be skinned by code... is it a stupid solution? it could be good for keeping entity quantity low, and to align terrain sufrace nicely, but grass clipping could be ugly if the entities are too large...
Posted By: fogman

Re: Has anyone suceeded using D3DXCreateMeshFVF with A8 - 04/19/12 10:27

Uh, oh... sorry, I thought the zip file contains the source.

Anyway, here is the link to the source:
Posted By: EvilSOB

Re: Has anyone suceeded using D3DXCreateMeshFVF with A8 - 04/20/12 07:26

Thanks Rojart, exactly what I needed. Thanks to everyone lse too.

Here is what Ive come up with for MY needs, based on what Rojart posted. Works a treat!
#include <d3d9.h>
LPD3DXMESH Panel_Mesh;
void morph_to_3dpanel(ENTITY *entity) 
	D3DVERTEX vbuff[4];	memset(vbuff, 0, 0x04*ent_status(entity,22));
	vbuff[0].x = 10;	vbuff[0].y = 10;		vbuff[1].x =-10;	vbuff[1].y = 10;
	vbuff[2].x =-10;	vbuff[2].y =-10;		vbuff[3].x = 10;	vbuff[3].y =-10;
	vbuff[0].u1 = 0;	vbuff[0].v1 = 0;		vbuff[1].u1 = 1;	vbuff[1].v1 = 0;
	vbuff[2].u1 = 1;	vbuff[2].v1 = 1;		vbuff[3].u1 = 0;	vbuff[3].v1 = 1;
	short ibuff[12] = { 0,1,2, 2,3,0, 2,1,0, 0,3,2 };
	D3DXCreateMesh(0x04, 0x04, D3DXMESH_MANAGED , pvertexdecl, pd3ddev, &Panel_Mesh);
	D3DVERTEX *vb;  Panel_Mesh->LockVertexBuffer(0, (void**)&vb);
	memcpy(vb, vbuff, 0x04*ent_status(entity,22));
	short 	 *ib;  Panel_Mesh->LockIndexBuffer (0, (void**)&ib);
	memcpy(ib, ibuff, 0x04*3*sizeof(short));
	ent_setmesh(entity, Panel_Mesh, 0, 0);
function exit_event() 
{	you=NULL;	while((you=ent_next(you)))
	{	Panel_Mesh = ent_getmesh(you,0,0);
		{	Panel_Mesh->Release();	ent_setmesh(you,0,0,0);	}	}
	sys_exit("");																}
void on_exit_startup()	{	wait(2);		on_exit = exit_event;	}

It generates a simple 2D, double-sided, uv_mapped square as a physical mesh.
(and YES, the back-side is a mirror-image intentionally)
Size is adjusted later on elsewhere by ent_setvertex'ing the 4 vertices...

But Ive got a couple of questions too... (for anyone)
This code is part of a 'plug-in' header file for my (old) 3d-Panels system.
So I want it to be pretty self-contained, bullet-proof, and non-intrusive.

1> You will notice that I run through all the currently loaded entities and
do a "Release" on them ALL. Is this a safe thing to do in a real application?
Or should I ONLY 'Release' the ones Ive created?

2> Is the way tht I hook into the 'exit' event being dont in a 'bad' way?
That is, if you had an existing application already 'somehow' hooking the
on_exit events, would my way of hooking in 'break' yours in a difficult
to find and/or fix way?

3> When performing an ent_remove on an entity carring my custom mesh, do I need
to catch them and do a "Release" myself, or will the engine do it naturally?

4> I noticed in Rojart's code then he doea a 'wait_for(create_house)'... I cant
see any need for this as the function contains no 'wait's. Is there a hidden
need for the wait_for that Im not aware of?

Thanks everyone for the hand...
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