
Posted By: 3run

Wind - 01/29/10 06:15

Is it possible to create wind effect with sound in lite-c?? For example like in stalker. And how it will be created? With particles? Or other any way... And is it possible to use it with physics (or fake physics)? Like grass and trees waveing on wind... Or smoke that moves with wind direction... Can you upload a small demo or example?
Posted By: maslone1

Re: Wind - 01/29/10 06:21

yes it is possible. but for a newbie, it's not easy to create (like example stalker).

hmmmm.... i don't think, that there are people with a code like this....
Posted By: 3run

Re: Wind - 01/29/10 09:44

Who sad that I'm newbie?! grin How should it be realized?? Via particles?
Posted By: zSteam

Re: Wind - 01/29/10 11:11

hi.. you need to use some global varibales (xyz).
than you could add these to the velocity vector of the particles or use they for the phent_addforceglobal function.
Posted By: 3run

Re: Wind - 02/02/10 09:39

My friend, can you make an example, please?
Posted By: 3run

Re: Wind - 02/02/10 09:40

My friend, can you make an example, please?
Posted By: Joey

Re: Wind - 02/02/10 10:13

just have some kind of wind vector, add some random noise to it and then move everything according to its strength. there's a waving grass shader on the wiki. moving trees can be more complicated, you'd use either a vertex shader or bones for that.
playing wind sound is the least of all problems, just look up media_loop in the manual. you can then use media_tune to control the volume dependent on your current wind strength.
Posted By: 3run

Re: Wind - 02/02/10 11:05

Ok, just without trees and grass waving... Would you be so kind, and make a small example of simple wind particle with sound, please?? With random seed and direction of wind...
Posted By: MMike

Re: Wind - 02/05/10 02:49

with sound? what you mean exaclty EHH

Wind -> doppler effect on sound.. distortions?

moving objects could be easy with Phsycis engine adding a force like joey said.
Posted By: 3run

Re: Wind - 02/06/10 18:23

I mean some thing just like ambience sound... About wind and moving objects, please can you make a simple example?
Posted By: bart_the_13th

Re: Wind - 02/07/10 08:29

There's waving grass(and maybe applicable to tree) shader in the wiki page, maybe you can check it out.
As the sound, you can use global vector/var and use the vec_length to adjust the wind volume.
Posted By: 3run

Re: Wind - 02/21/10 10:37

Long time ago I found this in User Resources. Don't really remember who made it. Any way great thanks for creator. Will it help in creating Wind effect? Not fog, as it was already made. Wind, with particles that can detect entities and level blocks.

////////////WIND VARIABLES//////////////////////

var w_acceleration;             // wind acceleration indicator flag
var w_speed_max = 1;            // maximum highest wind speed...range: 0-1
var w_speed_min = 0.3;          // maximum lowest wind speed based on random(w_speed_min)...range: 0-1
var w_speed_goal;
var w_speed_current;
var w_speed_change;
var w_speed_factor = 1;         // multiplies w_speed_max when hurricane is used...higher = faster speed....dependent on w_speed_max....range: 1-infinity
var w_speed_change_min = 0.02;  // lower value = slower rate of decrease....range: 0-1
var w_speed_change_max = 0.04;  // higher value = faster rate of increase...range: 0-1
var w_still_factor = 0;         // higher value = longer lasting periods of stillness(no wind)....range: 0-infinity
                                //   dependent on w_still_flag being set to 1.....based on random(w_still_factor)
var w_still_flag = 0;           // 0 = no periods of stillness , 1 = stillness of a random duration which is dependent on w_still_factor
var w_active = 0;               // 0 = simulation paused,  1 = simulation active
var w_volatility;               // wind volatility based on random number...determines likelihood of a strong gust

var w_power_factor = 2;         /* DETERMINES WIND BEHAVIOR
                                    1 = always strong normal ones
                                     2 = more frequent random strong gusts 
                                      3 = less frequent random strong gusts
                                       4 = no strong gusts..always normal ones
                           			    5 = constant strong gust/ calming
                           			     6 = no wind */
////////////DIRECTION VARIABLES///////////////////

var d_direction_min[3] = -1,0,0;   // currently set to SW
var d_direction_max[3] =  -1,0,0;   // currently set to SE
                                   /* DIRECTIONS ARE INTO THE CARDINAL DIRECTION(i.e. north wind is blowing towards north)
                                       0, 1, 0 north
   							                0,-1, 0 south
  											       -1, 0, 0 west
   										         1, 0, 0 east */ 
var d_direction_current[3];
var d_direction_goal[3]; 
var d_direction_change_pct;
var d_direction_increment = 0.1;   // higher value = faster direction change
var d_degrees;                     // degrees

font standard_font = <ackfont.pcx>, 6, 9; // panel font

/////////////CARDINAL DIRECTION STRINGS///////////////

string north =" N";       string northeast ="NE";
string northwest = "NW";  string east =" E";
string west =" W";        string south = " S";
string southeast ="SE";   string southwest = "SW";
string error = "ER";      string blank = "  ";
                          string coor; //cardinal direction indicator
////////////WIND STATUS STRINGS//////////////////////

string calm =  "     Calm";     string gust =  "     Gust";
string b_gust ="   Strong";     string still = "    Still";
string hurri = "Hurricane";     string paused ="   Paused";
                                string windstatus; //wind status indicator
////////////WIND PANEL STRINGS//////////////////////

string wacceleration = "       Wind Acceleration:";    string speed =         "           Current Speed:";
string goal =          "              Speed Goal:";    string vola =          "              Volatility:\n";
string curdir =        "    Current Direction_XY:\n";  string dirgoal =       "       Direction Goal_XY:\n";
string dirpercent =    "Direction Change Percent:\n";  string deg =           "                 Degrees:";
string direction =     "      Cardinal Direction:";    string status =        "             Wind Status:";

////////////SIMULATION SCRIPT//////////////////////

function error_check() //do not change any of this unless you know what you are doing and what it affects
 while(w_active == 0) { if(w_active == 1) { break; } wait(1); } //script is paused

 if(w_active > 1 || w_active < 0) { w_active = 1; } //if not set to 0 or 1, defaults to 1(active)

 if(w_acceleration != 0 && w_acceleration != 1 && w_acceleration != -1) { w_acceleration = 0; } // keeps values valid

 if(w_speed_change_max < w_speed_change_min ) { w_speed_change_max = w_speed_change_min + 0.01; } //max should be >= min

 if(w_speed_max < w_speed_min) { w_speed_max = w_speed_min + 0.1; } //max should be >= min
 if(w_speed_factor < 1) { w_speed_factor = 1; } //should never be < 1

 if(w_power_factor < 1 || w_power_factor > 6) { w_power_factor = 3; } // keeps values valid and defaults it to "less strong gusts" if invalid

 if(d_direction_increment == 0) { d_direction_increment = 0.1; } // keeps values valid and defaults it to...uh...default

 if(d_direction_min[0] < -1 || d_direction_min[0] > 1) { d_direction_min[0] = -1; } // defaults min X to West if intially invalid

 if(d_direction_max[0] < -1 || d_direction_max[0] > 1) { d_direction_max[0] = 1; } // defaults max X to East is intially invalid

 if(d_direction_min[1] < -1 || d_direction_min[1] > 1) { d_direction_min[1] = 1; } // defaults min Y to North if intially invalid

 if(d_direction_max[1] < -1 || d_direction_max[1] > 1) { d_direction_max[1] = 1; } // defaults max Y to North is intially invalid

 if(d_direction_min[2] != 0) { d_direction_min[2] = 0; } // defaults min Z to 0 if intially nonzero

 if(d_direction_max[2] != 0) { d_direction_max[2] = 0; } // defaults max Z to 0 if intially nonzero

 if(w_still_flag < 0 || w_still_flag > 1) { w_still_flag = 1; } // keeps values valid and defaults to on

 if(w_still_factor < 0) { w_still_factor = 3; } // keeps values valid and sets to default

function get_rand(a,b)  //returns random number
  return (random(1) * (b - a) + a);  

function get_wind_direction()  //get wind direction goal
 d_direction_goal.x = get_rand(d_direction_min.x, d_direction_max.x); 
 d_direction_goal.y = get_rand(d_direction_min.y, d_direction_max.y);
 d_direction_change_pct = 0.001;

function wind_sim()  //main wind function
  //error_check(); //error and pause check once per frame
  if(w_active == 1)
  	  if(w_acceleration == 1) //gusting towards a goal
   		if(w_speed_current >= w_speed_goal && w_power_factor != 5)
    			w_speed_goal = random(w_speed_min); // we're at our goal...set new goal between 0 and w_speed_min
    			w_acceleration = -1; // direction flag to calm
    			w_speed_change = get_rand(w_speed_change_min, w_speed_change_max); // how fast to calm
     			if(w_power_factor == 5)
      			w_speed_goal = w_speed_max * w_speed_factor; //use maximum speed - multiply by a w_speed_factor for stronger wind
      			w_speed_change = w_speed_change_max; // use maximum increment       
      			if(w_power_factor == 6) //no wind started while gusting(during gameplay) so set goal, etc
       				w_speed_goal = 0; //use maximum speed - multiply by a w_speedfactor for stronger wind
       				w_speed_change = w_speed_change_min	; // use maximum increment       
       				if(w_speed_current < w_speed_goal)
        					w_speed_current += (w_speed_change * time_step);  //not at increment wind speed
        					w_speed_current = min(w_speed_current, w_speed_goal);  //restrain it if >= than goal
  		   if(w_acceleration == -1) //calming towards a goal
    			if(w_speed_current <= w_speed_goal)
	  				w_acceleration = 0;  // we're at our goal....set no goal
     				if(w_power_factor == 5) //hurricane started while calming(during gameplay) so set goal, etc
      				w_speed_goal = w_speed_max * w_speed_factor; //use maximum speed - multiply by a w_speed_factor for stronger wind
      				w_speed_change = w_speed_change_max; // use maximum increment       
      				if(w_speed_current < w_speed_goal)
       					w_acceleration = 1; 
      				w_speed_current -= (w_speed_change * time_step);  //not at decrement wind speed
      				w_speed_current = max(w_speed_current, w_speed_goal);  //restrain it if <= than goal
      				if(w_speed_current <= w_speed_goal && w_still_flag == 1) //random stillness if w_still_flag set to 1...also zeros out values for panel's display
       					w_acceleration = 0;
       					w_speed_current = 0;
       					w_speed_goal = 0; 
       					w_volatility = 0;
       					d_degrees = 0;
       					wait(random(-w_still_factor)); // still wind period based on w_still_factor value
			else  //no wind so check for direction change/gust power/special winds
  		    	if(w_power_factor != 6)
     				get_wind_direction(); //get wind direction goal
	   			if(w_power_factor == 5) //prepare constant gust/hurricane
			     		if(w_speed_current <= w_speed_goal)
      					w_acceleration = 1; 
	    				if(w_power_factor == 6) //prepare variables out for panel display
     						w_speed_goal = 0; 
     						w_speed_change = w_speed_change_min; //uses minimum calming speed
     						w_volatility = 0;
     						if(w_speed_current > w_speed_goal)
      						w_acceleration = -1;
      						w_acceleration = 0;
          		      if(w_power_factor != 5 && w_power_factor != 6)
      						w_volatility = random(w_active);
      						if(w_volatility <= w_active/w_power_factor && w_power_factor != 4) //prepare strong gust
       							w_speed_goal = get_rand(w_speed_min, w_speed_max);  //Get a speed goal based on randomness
       							w_speed_change = w_speed_change_max;  	// use maximum increment
       							w_acceleration = 1;  
       							if(w_volatility > w_active/w_power_factor || w_power_factor == 4)  //prepare normal gust
        								w_speed_goal = get_rand(w_speed_min, w_speed_max);  //Get a speed goal based on randomness
        								w_speed_change = get_rand(w_speed_change_min, w_speed_change_max);  	// How fast we will get there
        								w_acceleration = 1; 
    	if(d_direction_change_pct != 0)  //change wind direction
		   d_direction_change_pct += (d_direction_increment * time_step );
   	   vec_lerp(d_direction_current, d_direction_current, d_direction_goal, d_direction_change_pct); //get to direction goal
	   	if(d_direction_change_pct >= 1)
	    		vec_set(d_direction_current,d_direction_goal);  // we've reached our goal...stop shifting direction.
	    		d_direction_change_pct = 0;
	 	d_degrees = fatan(d_direction_current.x,d_direction_current.y); //get the degrees
	   if(d_direction_current.y > 0) //shift degrees in cartesian quadrant i,ii...NE,NW,N
      	 d_degrees %= 360;
      	 /*if(d_degrees < 0)
        			d_degrees += 360;
    		     if(d_degrees >= 360)
          			d_degrees -= 360;
      	if(d_direction_current.y < 0) //shift degrees in cartesian quadrant iii,iv...SW,SE,S
       		d_degrees += 180;
      		if(d_direction_current.x > 0 && d_direction_current.y == 0) //shift degrees for E
       			d_degrees += 90;
      			if(d_direction_current.x < 0 && d_direction_current.y == 0) //shift degrees for W
      		 		d_degrees += 270;
      wind_degrees(d_degrees);   //call to the cardinal direction indicator
      wind_status(w_acceleration); //call to the wind status indicator

function wind_status(d) //set wind status indicator
 	if(w_active == 0) //paused
 		if(w_power_factor == 5) //hurricane
 			if(w_power_factor == 6)  //still
 				if(d == -1) //calm
 					if(d == 1 && w_speed_change != w_speed_change_max) //gust
 						if(d == 1 && w_speed_change == w_speed_change_max) //strong gust

function wind_degrees(c)  //set cardinal direction indicator
   if(w_power_factor == 6) //no wind
   	if(c < 45)
   		if(c < 90)
   			if(c < 135)
   				if(c < 180)  
   					if(c < 225)
   						if(c < 270)
   							if(c < 315)
   								if(c < 360)

text wind_direction  //cardinal direction indicator
 	layer = 1; 
 	pos_x = 195; 
 	font = standard_font; 
 	strings = 1; 
 	string = coor;

text wind_status_panel //wind status indicator
 	layer = 1; 
 	pos_x = 153; 
 	font = standard_font; 
 	strings = 1; 
 	string = windstatus; }

text wind_panel_header  //descriptions for panel
 	layer = 1; 
 	pos_x = 0; 
 	font = standard_font; 
 	strings = 10; 
 	string = wacceleration,speed,goal,vola,curdir,dirgoal,dirpercent,deg,direction,status;

panel wind_panel  //statistics panel
 		layer = 1; pos_x = 0; flags = refresh;
 		DIGITS = 165, 0, 7, standard_font, 1, w_acceleration;             DIGITS = 165, 9, 7.2, standard_font, 1, w_speed_current;
 		DIGITS = 165, 18, 7.2, standard_font, 1, w_speed_goal;            DIGITS = 165, 27, 7.1, standard_font, 1, w_volatility;
 		DIGITS = 165, 45, 7.2, standard_font, 1, d_direction_current.x;   DIGITS = 210, 45, 7.2, standard_font, 1, d_direction_current.y;
 		DIGITS = 165, 63, 7.2, standard_font, 1, d_direction_goal.x;      DIGITS = 210, 63, 7.2, standard_font, 1, d_direction_goal.y; 
 		DIGITS = 165, 81, 7.2, standard_font, 1, d_direction_change_pct;  DIGITS = 165, 99, 7, standard_font, 1, d_degrees;

function panel_on //switches panels on/off
 	if(wind_panel.visible == off) //switch on panels halfway down screen
  		wind_panel.pos_y = screen_size.y/2;                
		wind_panel_header.pos_y = screen_size.y/2;     
  		wind_direction.pos_y = screen_size.y/2 + 108;      
  		wind_status_panel.pos_y = screen_size.y/2 + 117;   
  		wind_panel.visible = on;    
  		wind_panel_header.visible = on;
  		wind_direction.visible = on;
  		wind_status_panel.visible = on;

 	else //switch off
  		wind_panel.visible = off;   
  		wind_panel_header.visible = off;   
  		wind_direction.visible = off;   
  		wind_status_panel.visible = off;
on_f9 = panel_on;  //activate statistics panels

Posted By: 3run

Re: Wind - 02/21/10 12:31

No one have any ideas?
Posted By: mikaldinho

Re: Wind - 02/21/10 12:44

it could be used, but you would have to change the values of the variables.
Posted By: 3run

Re: Wind - 02/21/10 12:48

My knowledge not enough to deal with all this frown Will some one please help?
Posted By: mikaldinho

Re: Wind - 02/21/10 12:53

change the variables values, e.g

var w_speed_max = 0.7
var w_speed_min = 0.2

Posted By: 3run

Re: Wind - 02/21/10 13:13

I do know how to change them grin I do not know how to make wind particles with it...
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