An "all purpose database"

Posted By: frozenbaby

An "all purpose database" - 04/01/06 05:41


This is a little different approach, as I am not submitting now but asking for your imput before I release. I have an in-house database that I have written. Currently it will support most datatypes (including "bfg" - big friggin graphics ) ie., any graphic datatype you wish to store in the data file. That means you define the database ONCE - fields and it will read it.

I developed this for a RPG currently in production. I am willing to release it to this community. Here's the unique part - Would like to know what you would like to see in it. It's an executable written in DELPHI. I can redesign the frontend - and to that end - based on what you imput. Will release it in the NEXT WEEK (7 - 10 days), here - but if you post here with suggestions, I will try to include them in the alpha.

Currently it supports:

- most data types
# 40 Ciphers (IDEA, Blowfish, Twofish, DES, Square ...)
# 23 Hashs (MD4/5, SHA/1, RipeMD, Havel, Tiger ...)
# 5 Checksums (CRC32, CRC16-CCITT, CRC16-Standard ...)
# 6 Textformats (MIME Base 64, XX/UU Coding, RFC1760 Six Word ...)
# 2 Randoms (LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register with variable Period upto 2^2032-1 ...)
# with Ciphers can be encrypt in Modes CTS/ CBC/ CFB/ OFB/ ECB
# Ciphers supports Message Authentication Codes in CBC-MAC/ CFB-MAC/ CTS-MAC
# fast Implementation (i.e. Blowfish > 8Mb/sec, MD4 > 27Mb/sec)

The front-end will be implement via standard table design - open ended (ie., append) using common row/column relational (one->many) table design. The program will be "smart" enough to handle C-script and how you access it. As it's a general database, should be able to store whatever you want and since it's propietory, will be hard to crack since it's not a "standard" protocal.

Hence - should be able to save any characters, associated properties, dialog - ect.

I will release the .exe's first here - the create database and editing later this week - after I get some feedback. Then will release the .dll and associated c-script so that you can access it.

OK guys and girls - your change to actually tell me what you would like to see implemented. Sorry if this is the wrong place to release it since I didn't link the tool, but I would like the feedback first. The first .3 alpha I will release later this week

-myKael (aka frozenbaby).
Posted By: DEX

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/01/06 07:49

This will be very usefull contribution. Thanx. With this dll a lots of edu titles can be made with easy, lexicons, quizes etc. Keep it up.
Just imagine, player going around, finds a book and database open with some historical data inside.
I think you should make imple database editor to create, add, delete records, and export database to format readable to your dll. It is good workflow and not too hard to make.
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/01/06 11:02

A feature I would like to see, would be a tool to create data sheets, and set it up like a class.
So for example an editor where you just say:
New > Datasheet (or db table)
And then be able to give the rows and/or columns different data types, like:
index_nr (integer) | name (string) | inventory (string-array) | ...
1 | Horak | sword.mdl,shield01.mdl ... |
2 | Dude | wand.wdl,potion.mdl ...

Or something similar to it.
So you don't have to create the layout with c-script but use a tool coming with the database.
Posted By: frozenbaby

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/03/06 01:20

Apparently - beyond friends and collegues - this is not a "Popular" contribution. Tomorrow I will post a demo - a simple address program to implement the system.
Posted By: Orange Brat

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/03/06 06:12

This place is dead on the weekends, so give it time.
Posted By: Thomas_Nitschke

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/03/06 15:00

Hey then, come on, let's make it popular!

No,seriously - A database system for 3DGS would be awesome, indeed! With 3DGS not supporting any regular expressions or the likes, it can be a real pain storing all the info you need in files only using the builtin c-script commands. A "real" database system would do wonders here!
Posted By: nunofontoura

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/03/06 16:18

I'm interested too. A database program is useful.
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/03/06 16:47

One useful thing to add, would be (like in mysql) queries.
So like:
select this row of data where this column is this value.
Lets say:
You have two tables (both with running numbers 0,1,..." as first colomn)
Now in the first table you have a NPC at all its attributes, and in the second the quests of the game.
Now the NPC has a column with an array of all the quest you can get from him.
Now one of those value (from the array of the npc quest number column) is the "running number" (index) in the quest table.
So you want to get the 'title' and 'discription' out of the quest table by taking the number of the npc table.
You know all those mysql query kinda things

Hope this was understandable somehow.
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/04/06 16:51

IF you want to know more about this, check out the Todays Podcast with Frozenbaby as our interview guest.
Posted By: frozenbaby

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/14/06 05:57

Hang in there - lol . Know it's been awhile since I announced this would be released, but have decided to go full "tilt". I have rewritten the engine. It will now include SQL and queries on the fly (i.e., dynamic table building).

I have listened and thought for the "indy game developer" this would not be necessary and most level desigeners would NOT be interested in the mechanics of database design in conjunction with game development. However, it would appear that this is NOT the case - so decided to add additional levels of functionality.

I am now associated with indyGLOW. As such, as posted and promised - will release to this community the database WITH the additional functions, - in alpha for use free. Be advised that the "larger" package is being developed for commercial aspects.

The client will be "thin" - so that tables that are in use cannot be changed - the server "fat" but quick. I hope to have a demo out later this weekend. Give me a "Few" as I will not release with "common" bugs. That is to say, I have had the client/server running for the last 4 days here - generating random tables and querries to watch it's behavior. Being now satisfied with it's performance I am ready to apply changes to the front-end; hopefully simplifying it so that NON-DATABASE PROGRAMMERS will get a firm grasp.

I appreciate your patience, and, don't think you will be disappointed with this application. Here are just a few of the changes I have implemented:


-client/server database engine.
-requires that all data additions, modifications and deletions are
transactions, i.e., be contained in a transaction action. This
ensures all changes to your databases are committed, or rolled back
in the event of a catastrophic failure.
-indexes will be composite: comprised of keys that are generated from
one or more fields in the tables; enabling comparison without the need
of a SQL (Structure Query Language) query.
-SQL will support a subset of the SQL-99 standard.
-Full data dictionary.

... ect .

All this may sound abit daunting, which was not my original intention, but I have built a front-end to make it simple enough to quickly implement a database system for the non-programmer and inclusive enough for the more "hearty" programmer to diversify.

My next post will be the link to download.
Posted By: frozenbaby

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/28/06 09:30

Hey community;

Well - here is the "alpha" of the database. I am releasing the GUI (frontend) for some analysis. It's functionally. You can create a server and config it. Can't edit it yet and on exit you will get an access violation. I know where it is - as it's a multi-thread application, just have gotten around to a decent exit procedure .

What I am more interested from you is how you like the GUI. Databases are "tricky" and I want to know if you need more in the way of assistance. I have incorporated "wizards" (though not in this release).

The next release will include an "explorer" - ie., you will be able to actually create databases (relational tables) for your server.

Remember - this is the first alpha release more concerned with "user-friendliness" allowing you to see where the project is going. Post any comment or additions you would hope to see. The version release to this community will include two (2) standard databases - 1.) One for a FPS and 2.) One for a RPG.

Enjoy and remember - ignore the access violation on exit


here's the link D.E.L.A (Database Entry Level Assistant)

Edit: Should say - from "Connect" - you will see "Local Server" - bring up the Config - give your server a name, use the start server command and it will be up and running. Check out all the options as it will make a difference as to how you want to set up your server. Just fiddle with it
Posted By: Marcus729

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/29/06 04:34


This is very interesting. The initial Alpha is hard to comment on as there is very little to see in terms of output.

My first comment is the _totray button creates an entry in the tray but it doesn't minimize the desktop window. Also your window does not have a minimize control in the window frame.

I think the window should minimize when you click the _totray button.

I am much more interested when you have the GUI for creating tables. I definitely think you need to have SQl support and a Query tool so you can build your tables, load some data and then run queries to see how it all works.

Just one question, why are you doing this? I have often thought of writing a compiler just for the fun of it but it has always been too much work so I have given up on that.

Anyway, I for one will keep an eye on this and when you have further releases I'll definitely take a look and see how it is going.

Thanks for a very interesting contribution. I look forward to seeing more. If you need some help I would be willing to see if I can help. I have many years of experience in using databases. I have never tackled writing a database engine.

Posted By: frozenbaby

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/30/06 02:14

Thanks Marcus for your reply. Yes - little to see in terms of output, ie., just that the server starts and identifies your ports, ect. What I am more interested in now is the GUI - 1) Is it user friendly, 2.) Without being a database "wiz" can the indie game developer understand and MORE importantly implement it.

Eventually for this community it will "house" two standard databases - a RPG and FPS that should meet the needs of most game producers.

I have taken the other comments into consideration and will fix them in the next release shortly. As to why I would want to write a database - not that hard. The core engine uses flashfiler - which I have extensively rewritten for game applications. So I didn't "really" start from scratch. Altho my background is OODBMS oriented - I thought this would really add something to the indie community.

Again, thanks for your comments and for sure - keep your eye out for this. The explorer/table editor is already written. And yes - it supports SQL. As I am releasing a "lite" version here FREE - not sure if the combined indexes/SQL function (such as build key/compare key) will be included in this release. But be assured, it will have more than enough functionally to handle most inventory systems, npc dialogs - ect.

Have a GREAT day.

Posted By: DarkShadow

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/30/06 03:46


Found a bug, if you open the local-server window while a server is running and don't have a server selected/highlighted in the list, then if you click on the menu on the left you get an Access Violation. I've included some screenshots to illustrate.

This one is where you hit the menu with server selected.


This one is when you hit the menu with no server selected

Posted By: Sinthoras

Re: An "all purpose database" - 04/30/06 14:32

a very useful contribution indeed, but what about the lowlevel data performance? Is the DB able to be accessed many times per frame, like using it with simple infinite string/vec/var tables etc, or will that decrease the fps too much?
Posted By: frozenbaby

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/01/06 01:20

Actually framerate shouldn't come into play. As the client/server is multithreaded and will communicate either UDP or TCP/IP - and, since you are sending commands (like "insert item", get "last score" - ect) the only thing that will affect framerate is how you, the developer integrate the data into the game; i.e., a new panel to display - ect.
Posted By: HeelX

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/01/06 10:21

Well you mentioned it in your post but I was a bit disappointed to just see an app that serves as a connection tool to a server.. etc. When does your demo consists of the promised database features?

BTW: the gui i snice and I like this moving stuff

Posted By: Dan Silverman

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/01/06 12:56

I am not suggesting this is the case (not at all), but I just HAD to laugh when I read the first post. Why? Well, this is being developed in DELPHI and it was promised to be released in a week or so and it is a really amazing app that will allow people to easily create all sorts of things ... it just totally reminded me of TUSC .

No, I am NOT saying this is TUSC. This is just what came to mind. That's all ...
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/04/06 13:52

If you don't belive it, see this.
Posted By: frozenbaby

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/05/06 01:33

OK - here is the second module - the client "delaXplorer" - this will allow you to create, query (SQL) and manipulated databases. Currently, it is a seperate .exe for debug purposes only - but will be incorporated into the "launchpad"

have fun ... alot there. Go through EACH and report any bugs. Looking forward to bug reports

You can find it here:
both applications

-Enjoy and give lots of feedback so I can include what you want.
Posted By: frozenbaby

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/11/06 07:00

OK - apparently this project is "overshadowed" by some bad vibes. "TUSC". Now, don't know what the hell that is and haven't even done a search for it because it's of NO concern of mine. And if it's a DELPHI vs. C/C++ situation, then I won't get into that "this development situation is better than that development situation."

You have a fully functional situation here. Two .exe's that for now function while I work on integrating them into ONE. The client has an exit procedure problem that will give you an access errot - but won't hurt your system.

To state again - currently you can define a client (both local and remote), start MULTIPLE databases in the explorer module (with aliases) and use SQL. Once tables are defined - you can add, delete - well all those database things.

Before I encapsulate it into a .dll - I released the .exe to determine if you would like to see it go further. I have created a "wizard's" system for "noobs" to create databases and have an "alpha" of the .dll and a .wdl and a test level to show how to incorporate it.

But no one seems to be interested. If this is the case, I will stop development for the community here and use it for private projects and outsource it for other indie engines. Is anyone really interested in this or am I just wasting my time in the shadow of "TUSC" and it's bad reputation?

With all the whining and complaining that "we don't have tools", I would think the community would try to embrace this, download and evaluate it and then - at least say, "you're heading down the wrong path".

Have you stopped and thought what this can do ... static and dynamic data creation/storing? Instead of several .dll's - you could store (with proper dynamic queries) your "HIGH SCORES". You could store your items and inventory. For RPG's - your npc's responses. Whether he/she is interactive or not (in a BOOLEAN) and if so ... can they give quests. Do they offer rewards?

As structure now - DELLA allows you to create these databases. I purposely went ONE step at a time - first the actual engine so you see how it works - giving you the opportunity to give input into the ACTUAL ENGINE - the interface for that before I encapsulated it into a6. But yet - no one seems interested in the development process, before it becomes a "crappy" tool just thrown together.

The way a good software tool should be developed - input at every step.

Should I - or should I not continue this for this community. I am already using it in my project(s) and have people that want it for their. I held off release to them. You want it or not.

And don't compare this with anything else that might have been developed. Download the damn thing - play with it and give me some REAL feedback.
Posted By: ulf

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/11/06 07:26

hey frozenbaby, i can only tell you what i think i cannot speak for the community. in my mind the 3dgs community consists only of a few good coders that understand the potential of your database thing. and those probably come up with their own solution.

the problem i see is, that you can create games already without your tool. i have to ask myself why do i need an external tool if all this can be done with 3dgs anyway?
database queries are not easy to understand in 5 minutes, most of the people here dare to write their own .wdl code because they are well fed with ready to click games together in 5 minutes templates.

people - especially the "noobs" are more impressed by visual things like the sphere plugin or olivers or triplex level editor. database means work, thinking and so no one has interested in it. most of the community just want to make games fast without many problems.

i for myself can say i havent come up with a problem yet where i would need a database... all the things you named can be done via your own textfile format for example. shure thats not as clean as a sql database but it works well for my needs.

i really like the way you put work into this and gave the opportunity to actively design this thing. to sum up it was probably a bad idea to create a database plugin for the 3dgs community.

if you where making a kick ass graphics plugin this thread would probably be 20 pages long. i dont mean this bad, its just the reality in my mind.

just look for a good professional team making a game with 3dgs to support them with your coding skills, make graphic plugins for a6 or even better try to write a port of raknet for a6

please dont take my reply too serious thats just my opinion. good luck with whatever you do in the future wheter its here or at another place.

edit: just look at the indiglow voice server or even the unofficial irc channel. there are 5 people online at peak times -> this shows how lazy 3dgs people are.
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/11/06 08:43

Hey frozenbaby,
im at school currentlz , my teacher allowed me to surf a bit through the net so I wont have "that" much time to tell you waht i wanted to say you this morning on TS.

I really appreciate DEL(L)A and I really need it!

Do you know why my project "Dark Age" is currently not advancing? Its because I need YOUR database, I need YOU. I am just waiting for this to be released and I can not do anything further on my project if you dont release your database, I already told you that I need it, and I told you that i need your database to continue developing on my game, i am just and only waiting for it to be released. If you wont do it for the community, ok, do what you want, or as you sauid, screw it! But do it for me! All my hopes for this database are with it, I need it, without it the idea of my RPG can and will not be able to be finished.

So I hope you wont stop on doing this.

Posted By: indiGLOW

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/11/06 09:15

Well FB, you know how I feel about this.

Pull it from A6, work with us and those like Mr.Schwarz who are involved with us, and should anyone want DELA at a later stage they can purchase it through us.

Case Closed.
Posted By: Marcus729

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/11/06 12:51

Hey Frozen
I have downloaded your latest stuff. Unfortunately I have been swamped at work and to top it off I am trying to get a lot of things done at home also.

I will try to get to this next week. This weekend is already booked up.

Please don't take my lack of time as a sign of no interest. Database programming is what I do all day every day at work. I have to be honest and admit I don't have a need for it in my (in my dreams that is) project at this time.

I want to participate just for the sake of helping you do this.

As stated above the community may not have a general interest for the reasons stated as well as there are other solutions, most notably MySQL. There is a DLL available in this forum for that solution.

MySQL has a head start on you and has a reputation. I think the only way you'll get peoples attention is with a demo. But as mentioned above also there isn't much you can do in a demo that can't be done without a database engine. Thus a probable reason for the seemingly lack of interest.

Once again I am planning on looking at this within the next week. If that is too slow for you than I am sorry but I just can't commit to anything sooner. My plate is pretty full at this time. I am hoping I will have more time this summer once a few things get resolved.

Sincerely, Marcus
Posted By: bupaje

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/14/06 17:21

@frozenbaby - I am one of those noobs to scripting even though I have been around here a long time. I have some project ideas that would benefit from a nice, simple and fast database as you describe -so I am interested. Seems like a good fast user friendly db has been requested many times over the years so I would say this will be very useful for anyone who is working on any substantial project. Please keep it going.
Posted By: bupaje

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/14/06 17:30

Here's one more wacky idea from a guy who is famous for them. You might consider if any of the dialogue editors, ai, physics and other popular projects like Sphere that already have a following could benefit from your project. If so and you can add easy support -keeping noobs in mind- you automatically benefit from the users of these projects. For example "DELLA now supports automatic conversion of the popular XYZ Dialogue Editor to its database. Select 'Import and Convert XYZ' to rocket power your dialogue editor."

Given I don't program this may or may not make sense ....
Posted By: frozenbaby

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/29/06 07:12

OK - time to get back to the living. I want to bump this post to keep it active and explain why I haven't made an effort/reponded.

On May 13th of this year - I had a home invasion. Let me explain. My shop is downstairs from my apartment/house. My business partner in our graphics business and I live upstair in a 3-bedroom "house". On that night - while I was working down here - 2 or more people climbed up on the roof of our business and invaded our home. Unfortunately, my partner was upstairs asleep when he heard a noise. Assuming it was me, he walked into a crime in progress. End results, he was beat in the head and stabbed 21 times. I heard the scuffle from downstairs - managed to lock myself in and call the police. By the time they got here - he was a bloody mess.

Upside - he's home now - "recouping" - but we had to close the business for awhile and I have been a "scared mess" - well both of us - since we are both walking around with pistols on us.

Home invassion - is the WORST type of crime - It strips you of you VERY SECURITY.

Consequently - haven't done much work on D.E.L.L.A since then. However, things have calmed abit - and at Ted's insistance; I have finished a beta of the program.

I state all this - because there has been some reference to TUSC. AGAIN, don't know what it is or care. But before RUMORS start - thought I would tell everyone EXACTLY what is going on.

I now have a version of D.E.L.L.A up and running on my server here - test for the next 7 - 10 days. At the point I will release it for BETA.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding - and for all that knew before I published this to the community - I appreciated your good thoughts and wishes.

Posted By: indiGLOW

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/29/06 10:43

If you need any help testing it FB, just gimme a shout.
Posted By: frozenbaby

Re: An "all purpose database" - 05/30/06 11:06

lol - on the site - "giveme, giveme, giveme". Hey already "ours" - but not until I run a full test with at least three other 'puters throwing random sql statements at "her".

Then and only then will I feel a little bit more secure that "she" is functional

And to all others - need you too - to run the beta when released, so I can try and fix as many "bugs" as possible.

Again, many THANKS.

Posted By: frozenbaby

Re: An "all purpose database" - 06/06/06 07:53

OK - after some problems - D.E.L.L.A is just about ready. I am working on a simple MP (Multi-Player) level with D.E.L.L.A fully engaged. The level will use the NEW .dll to access the database - with a few NPC's and an "melee" combat system that will record drops - XP and such.

The chat system will be independent of the database.

Please note the .dll is only to access the database from a game. D.E.L.L.A "herself" is a complete admin module and works "behind the scenes". In other words, you create your relational databases as an admin - but make calls to the database via the .dll and .wdl to manipulate THAT DATA - (i.e., "add this - display results [as in completion of a quest or acquiring a weapon of health pack <- fps, ect]). SQL implemantion is up to you - but WILL NOT be able to be called from c-script. It slows the process down. Instead, if you are clever - can store your SQL in a seperate table (define as text field) - and call the query. That way - you will be able to "administrate" a new relational SQL based query quickly - without affecting game play, i.e., assign a new weapon or new NPC - a new quest or value by simply re-writing to the specific table.

I hope the have the level (with full - .wdl and a SHORT explanation up in the next week to 10 days.

Thank you all for your patience.

-Michael (aka - frozenbaby).
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: An "all purpose database" - 06/06/06 08:42

Hey frozenbaby,
sounds good to me!
Can't wait for the release

cya Thunder
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: An "all purpose database" - 06/06/06 11:19

Glad to hear it's still alive, TUSC or no TUSC Just kidding! Ok, not funny, I know I'm interested in this, it sounds like a big thing, even if you would only make like half of those things you claim it can do, and that my friend is a good thing ,

Posted By: frozenbaby

Re: An "all purpose database" - 06/16/06 10:54

OK - would someone explain just what the "heck" TUSC is or "was"?

That being said - I am going to release "D.E.L.LA" this coming week. Have finished the beta's and am very pleased with "her" performance.

So stay tuned "Kiddies"

Posted By: HeelX

Re: An "all purpose database" - 06/16/06 12:34

JCL just had to flew over the ocean to enable a feature by just clicking together the new beta release (I was told so). He installed the TUSC flag for the case that someone comes and says he's too lazy. Well, TUSC is an abandoned keyword of A4 that made secret features available of A5 which were just in development phase. So whenever someone said A4 is bad he just clicked on the add-feature button of his engine-generator-box. No one ever knew TUSC since a misterious person buyed an engine-generator, too. He sayed he wants to create the ultimate app that makes your own game by just clicking together the 4 letters of the word TUSC from a virtual noodle soup (with letters). Too bad that JCL raised the anti-TUSC-force and said MUHAGAGAGA! He had a phone call with the creators of that buggy engine-creation software. These damn exploits! Well, Bill G. - no thats too obvious - B. Gates said: ok, we take care of him, but you have to use our crappy new version of our engine-creator and you have to sell your soul to our device drivers. And everytime a bug report comes that handles with our engine-creator, say its a graphics driver error, 70% NVidia, I dont like them they made it all bad ... and 30% ATI, they are good guys, though. JCL said thank you and released a brand new version, called A5. TUSC was abandoned and his misterious creator. The crime delict was archived as vaporware.. because the creator of that hacker program was vaporized with laserbeams coming out of his screen as he tested out the new beam and streak featured released at that time... noone use them seriously.. guess why?! MUHAHAGAGAGA...

Just kidding.

TUSC was vaporware. The creator said that you can click together every kind of game in his app (written in DELPHI) and TUSC creates the whole gameframework with every function put together so that you have just to touch your game softly so that its a new AAA game


P.S: keep up your sexy Della... best wishes.
Posted By: Marcio Esper

Re: An "all purpose database" - 06/23/06 06:54

Hi Frozenbaby,

You had a terrible moments, my house had this problem too and I know how you filling.

I hope you are better now.

I am waiting too for your tool.

Best regards,

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