Specular Shader with specular map

Posted By: jumpman

Specular Shader with specular map - 08/23/17 18:23


Is there a specular shader that doesnt use a normal map, as well as using a specular map (alpha map or other wise) to determine which parts of the model are shiny and which parts are dull?

The shaders I see require a normal map, and apply the shininess equally over the whole model.
Posted By: txesmi

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/24/17 08:56

you might use the shader from the third shader tutorial.

you will only need to multiply the specular lighting computation result by the texture alpha channel and add the PASS_SOLID flag to the material.

Posted By: jumpman

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/24/17 16:34

Hi Txesmi!

Thank you for pointing me to that tutorial workshop.

Im assuming here is the correct line to add the multiplication?:

float Specular = pow(saturate(dot(R, normalize(InViewDir))), SpecularPower) * SpecularIntensity * shininess;

Do I have to define the entskin storing the alpha texture? Say I have it on entskin3. I put this on the top of the fx file?:

texture entSkin1; // diffuse
texture entskin3; //shiny map

sampler ShinyMapSampler = sampler_state
Texture = <entSkin3>;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

How then do I multiply each pixel of skin3 into that lighting equation?

shininess = texture2D(uSpecularMapSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.s, vTextureCoord.t)).r * 255.0;

that doesnt work for me, I got that from a website trying to do it myself.
Posted By: jumpman

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/24/17 17:02

I did it Txesmi! Thank you!! Here are the relevant lines:

float shininess = 2 * tex2D(ShinyMapSampler, InTex);

then I multiplied the Specular equation with shininess just like you said!

I will be adding more to this shader, and when its nice enough with a cool model, I will give it to the community so they can use it as well!
Posted By: txesmi

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/24/17 17:16

Originally Posted By: jumpman
Im assuming here is the correct line to add the multiplication?:

float Specular = pow(saturate(dot(R, normalize(InViewDir))), SpecularPower) * SpecularIntensity * shininess;


Originally Posted By: jumpman
Do I have to define the entskin storing the alpha texture? Say I have it on entskin3. I put this on the top of the fx file?:

texture entSkin1; // diffuse
texture entskin3; //shiny map

sampler ShinyMapSampler = sampler_state
Texture = <entSkin3>;
AddressU = Clamp;
AddressV = Clamp;

correct. There are more parameter in a sampler_state that you can configure (linear interpolation and such).

Originally Posted By: jumpman
How then do I multiply each pixel of skin3 into that lighting equation?

shininess = texture2D(uSpecularMapSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.s, vTextureCoord.t)).r * 255.0;

that doesnt work for me, I got that from a website trying to do it myself.

that code line should be like this:

float shininess = tex2D ( ShinyMapSampler, inTex ).r;


Posted By: jumpman

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/24/17 20:39

Hey Txesmi

How would I go about adding a cubic environment mapping shader with this specular shader? There are a couple I have, one is a material within the main script, and the other is an FX file.

How would I go about adding this effec to the shader? I would also want the environment mapping to only go in certain places as well, not all over the model...
Posted By: txesmi

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/25/17 11:55

first of all I encourage you to take a look into directX documentation and HLSL tutorials before stain your hands with the task, pretty simple by the way.

In the list of functions I linked above, there are two resolutive functions: texCUBE and reflect.

texCUBE is a bmap sampler, cubemap specific, such skyboxes and enviroment reflections. Its first parameter is a sampler, cubemap specific too.
texture mtlSkin1; // or entSkin1<->4 or myGlobalBmap_bmap or whatever
samplerCUBE sEnvironment = sampler_state { Texture = <mtlSkin1>; MipFilter = Linear; };

And its second parameter is a three-dimensional vector that serves as texture coordinates. The transformation of the vector to the coordinates into a pixel of one of the faces of the cubemap is made by the sampler itself.

Think a bit in a skycube. It certainly is a texCUBE sampler and the coordinates vector is the direction of the rendered pixel from the view point. As simple as that. This direction vector is alredy computed in the vertex shader of the tutorial and passed to the pixel shader, but inversed.
// PS
OutViewDir = vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld);
// VS
in float4 InViewDir: TEXCOORD2

Try it yourself. Create a cubemap in liteC.
BMAP *bmpEnvMap = bmap_create ( "myEnvMap+6.tga" );
bmap_to_cubemap ( bmpEnvMap );
myEntMtl.skin1 = bmpEnvMap;

Declare the sampler in the shader.
texture mtlSkin1;
samplerCUBE sEnv = sampler_state { Texture = <mtlSkin1>; MipFilter = Linear; };

Sample and return it in the pixel shader.
float4 envColor = texCUBE ( sEnv, -InVierDir ); // inversed!
return envColor;

You will see that the entity is texturized as a skybox.

Let's continue. reflect function is selfexplanatory. It returns the reflexion of a vector in reference to a surface normal and we have both passed from the pixel shader: view direction and surface normal.
float3 viewDirReflexion = reflect ( -InViewDir.xyz, InNormal ); // inversed!
float4 envSample = texCUBE ( sEnv, viewDirReflexion );

If you return this sample as texture color and set the same cubemap as skybox, you will see that the entity is texturized as a perfect skybox reflecting mirror.

At this point you only need to mix this last color sample with the color you have already computed. As you may imagine you can do with those values all you want. I would simply replace the specular reflection computations by the texCUBE sample multiplied by specular term you got already. Simple and effective.

Cubic real time reflections are managed same but with an unique difference: the cubemap is rendered each frame. That is an expensive task and it is not really advisable. Forget about using it into populated sceneries.

Posted By: jumpman

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/25/17 18:28

Txesmi.....thank you! I was able to get the cubic environment mapping, as well as get it only reflecting on certain pixels of the model, using the model's skin2!!

My next problem is trying to get the Envcube reflection to be more pronounced, with more of the cubemap color coming through, I think it has to do with the final color equation. Can you help me? Here is what I made so far:

//-This line uses entity skin 2, to determine how much relfection is visible
float enviness = 1.5 * tex2D(CubeMapSampler,InTex);

//this line is me playing around:
envSample*=(enviness*2)-(Diffuse*.8); //---cool

//Here is the final output
return (envSample + Ambient + Diffuse + Specular) * Color;

I can see the cubeMap reflection on where i put white in the skin2! However, the reflection itself is mainly white, and kind of loses strength when its normals are facing the sun.

How can I add this reflection cubemap on top of the texture, with more of the color of the reflection map coming through?

The sun is on the top left, shadow on the right. You can see the envmap on the shadow side. This is OK and kinda cool. This model also has a TGA/Transparency in the first skin. This double sided is important btw.

If you look at the cubemap, it is very blue/green. Here is where I rendered just the cubemap as reflection:

Posted By: txesmi

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/25/17 20:57

glad of been helpful laugh

Originally Posted By: jumpman
My next problem is trying to get the Envcube reflection to be more pronounced, with more of the cubemap color coming through, I think it has to do with the final color equation.

Correct, the final color depends on the final color equation grin

I am not sure of what you are looking for so I can only show you the master function of color mixing: lerp.

I think I would do something like the following:
color *= ambient + diffuse + specular;
color = lerp ( color, envSample, envMask );

but maybe you like the specular term been persistent over reflections
color *= ambient + diffuse;
color = lerp ( color, envSample, envMask );
color *= 1.0f + specular; // or color += specular; in the case the specular term is a color vector instead of a color factor... Ancha es Castilla (Castilla is wide)

Posted By: jumpman

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/25/17 21:25

Im getting closer!!!!! What is envMask though, is that referencing the mask that determines how shiny the reflection is?
Posted By: txesmi

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/25/17 21:33

Yes. lerp interpolates first two parameters by the third, a factor (0<->1). When the factor is 0 the return is the first parameter and the second parameter conversely. You will probably find a better description in the instrict function list I linked above.
Posted By: jumpman

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/25/17 23:27

Here is the current shader! As you can see the cubemap is closer to its actual color:

Facing the light:


However, the dark side is a little more interesting, and the cube map effect is a little more toned down when facing the sun.

Here is the relevant code:

//------------The cubemap strength is based on skin2
float enviness = 2.5 * tex2D(CubeMapSampler,InTex) ; /// based on skin 2 shinymap!!

//-------The envSample is multiplied by the enviness value


Color *= Ambient + Diffuse + Specular;
Color = lerp ( Color, envSample,.45); // I manually put .45
Color *= 1.0f + Specular;

return Color;

Lerp is better definitely, but how can I get it looking as defined as when it is in the shadow, all the while keeping it based on the envMap texture? (skin 2)

BTW Im going to name this shader, "Txesmi and Jumpman's Hero Shader"
Posted By: txesmi

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/26/17 13:26

I did a try. Let's look how you do feel. Step by step.

I love the diffuse term be a gradient vector between the brighter and the darker pixels, been both limits the sun color and the ambient color respectively. I usually compute the diffuse term as follows:
// Calculate the diffuse term:
float DiffuseFactor = pow ( ( 1.0f + dot(-vecSunDir.xyz, InNormal) ) * 0.5f, DiffuseGradient ); 
float3 texColor = texSample.rgb * lerp ( vecAmbient.rgb, vecSunColor.rgb, DiffuseFactor );

This way I take advantaje of the full range of the result of the dot product, scaling it to a 0<->1 range, so the back part of the mesh is slightly lightened instead of looking flat. DiffuseGradient controls the exponential of DiffuseFactor so you can displace the sun intensity to the back and the front. Then I multiply the texture sample by the interpolation between sun and ambient colors in reference to the computed DiffuseFactor.

I like to compute the specular term as a factor of the resultant vector obtained from the subtraction of the previously computed diffuse color to the sun color so it can be added to the diffuse with no big worries of going out of color ranges and been the sun color the brightest color you will find into the scene.

// Calculate the speculate component: 
float3 sunDirReflexion = reflect ( vecSunDir.xyz, InNormal );
float3 Specular =  ( vecSunColor.rgb - texColor ) * pow(saturate(dot(sunDirReflexion, InViewDir)), SpecularPower ) * texSample.a;
texColor += Specular * SpecularIntensity;

SpecularIntensity can do the color go out of range, but it is a good looking 'burn' effect. I like it larger than one.

I really do the enviroment reflexion implementation before computing the specular term.

// Calculate the enviroment reflection term 
float3 viewDirReflexion = reflect ( -InViewDir.xyz, InNormal );
float3 envSample = texCUBE ( sEnv, viewDirReflexion ).rgb;
texColor = lerp ( texColor, texSample.rgb*envSample, texSample.a );

Notice that I multiplied the enviroment sample by the raw texture color.

Click to reveal.. (alltogether)

// Tweakables: 
static const float DiffuseGradient   = 1.5f;      
static const float SpecularPower     = 16.0f;
static const float SpecularIntensity  = 2.5f;      

// Application fed data: 
const float4x4 matWorldViewProj; // World*view*projection matrix. 
const float4x4 matWorld;         // World matrix. 
const float4 vecAmbient;         // Ambient color. 
const float4 vecSunDir;          // The sun light direction vector. 
const float4 vecSunColor;        // The sun color 
const float4 vecViewPos;         // View position. 
texture entSkin1;  
sampler ColorMapSampler = sampler_state // Color map sampler. 
  Texture = <entSkin1>;   
  MipFilter = Linear;   // required for mipmapping

texture mtlSkin1;
samplerCUBE sEnv = sampler_state { Texture = <mtlSkin1>; MipFilter = Linear; };

// Vertex Shader: 
void SpecularVS( 
  in float4 InPos: POSITION, 
  in float3 InNormal: NORMAL, 
  in float2 InTex: TEXCOORD0, 
  out float4 OutPos: POSITION, 
  out float2 OutTex: TEXCOORD0, 
  out float3 OutNormal: TEXCOORD1, 
  out float3 OutViewDir: TEXCOORD2) 
// Transform the vertex from object space to clip space: 
  OutPos = mul(InPos, matWorldViewProj); 
// Transform the normal from object space to world space: 
  OutNormal = normalize(mul(InNormal, matWorld));; 
// Pass the texture coordinate to the pixel shader: 
  OutTex = InTex; 
// Calculate a vector from the vertex to the view: 
  OutViewDir = vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld); 
// Pixel Shader: 
float4 SpecularPS( 
  in float2 InTex: TEXCOORD0, 
  in float3 InNormal: TEXCOORD1, 
  in float4 InViewDir: TEXCOORD2) : COLOR 
	// Incoming normals have to be normalized
	InNormal = normalize(InNormal); 
	InViewDir = normalize(InViewDir);
	// Fetch the pixel color from the color map: 
	float4 texSample = tex2D ( ColorMapSampler, InTex ); // texture alpha channel = specular map
	// Calculate the diffuse term:
	float DiffuseFactor = pow ( ( 1.0f + dot(-vecSunDir.xyz, InNormal) ) * 0.5f, DiffuseGradient ); 
	float3 texColor = texSample.rgb * lerp ( vecAmbient.rgb, vecSunColor.rgb, DiffuseFactor );
	// Calculate the enviroment reflection term 
	float3 viewDirReflexion = reflect ( -InViewDir.xyz, InNormal );
	float3 envSample = texCUBE ( sEnv, viewDirReflexion ).rgb;
	texColor = lerp ( texColor, texSample.rgb*envSample, texSample.a );
	// Calculate the speculate component: 
	float3 sunDirReflexion = reflect ( vecSunDir.xyz, InNormal );
	float3 Specular =  ( vecSunColor.rgb - texColor ) * pow(saturate(dot(sunDirReflexion, InViewDir)), SpecularPower ) * texSample.a;
	texColor += Specular * SpecularIntensity;
	return float4 ( texColor, 1.0f ); 
// Technique: 
technique SpecularTechnique 
	pass P0 
		ZEnable = True;
		ZWriteEnable = True;
		AlphaBlendEnable = False;
		VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 SpecularVS(); 
		PixelShader  = compile ps_3_0 SpecularPS(); 

Posted By: jumpman

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/28/17 13:12

hi Txesmi!

Here is what I added to the shader! I made a better test model with the appropriate skins on the far left. You can also see a pseudo/fake reflected light!!! The sun light is on the top left, but a fake reflected light on the bottom right!! All i did was copy the specular highlight lines, and did a negative on one of the view calculations!:

The Cubemap relfection also takes into account the skin under it. I cant really put it on top of another texture and expect it to be obvious. I need to have the diffuse texture accomodate the cubemap reflection areas!

I am very satisfied with the shader currently laugh

In a little bit, I am going to look at the shader workshop for Normal mapping....
Posted By: txesmi

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/29/17 12:57

Congratulations! wink

Originally Posted By: jumpman
I cant really put it on top of another texture and expect it to be obvious. I need to have the diffuse texture accomodate the cubemap reflection areas!

Its true. RGB add & mul color treatment needs the base texture be neither too dark nor too light so there is space for specular addition on light colors and the dark parts of the texture are light enough to become a visible gradient when multiplied by the diffuse term.

Maybe you want take a look to RGB<->HLS conversion. It is not really cheap but lets you modify the colors in a different way. While hue could remain unchanged you could use the diffuse and specular terms as lightness multipliers and the enviroment map as saturation modifier so both layers could have some presence in the final color.

I remember a forum member publishing a shader which texturized the model with a simple image as enviroment map in screen space and a very cheap manner. The enviroment map was like a projection of an sphere and the shader computed its sample coordinates in base to the view direction vector so it gived the sense of an enviroment map but always aligned to the view, if i am not wrong. Does someone remember it? I can't find it frown
Posted By: jumpman

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/29/17 14:44

ooo, I think i vaguely remember that shader, was it a fixed function shader? I think that would be nice, since you could make an easy Rim Shader.
Posted By: jumpman

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/29/17 15:25

Hi Txesmi,

When a shader uses 4 entity skin textures within the model, that means the shader/engine does 4 passes or 4 calls to the images? More calls/passes mean more rendering time correct?

Is there a way, outside of making multiple shaders, to not have to dip into the normal mapping part of the shader, or perform the specular calculations? What if I wanted a tree to have just the specular part, withtout the cubic envionrment mapping? Should I just make a new material?
Posted By: txesmi

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/29/17 16:30

Originally Posted By: jumpman
When a shader uses 4 entity skin textures within the model, that means the shader/engine does 4 passes or 4 calls to the images? More calls/passes mean more rendering time correct?

mmm...hard to explain...there is an explanation of the D3D rendering pipeline into shader tutorials...

The graphic card calls the vertex shader once per vertex and calls the pixel shader once per screen pixel contained by the triangles projected into the screen. Backfacing triangles are clipped away inbetween so there can be not shown computed vertex and there can be screen pixels computed more than once because of triangles overlapping. There is no such a texture rasterization I guess your are thinking about. Just image samples for each projected pixel.

Linear interpolation on texture samples takes its time, yes. The more operations you perform the slower it will be, you know. You can speed up the samples by disabling the linear interpolation (MagFilter = Point;) but it shows the pixels.

Originally Posted By: jumpman
Should I just make a new material?

Yes. A material for each rendering technique. You can define more than one technique inside the same effect file and share functions between techniques. For example:
float3 doDiffuse ( float3 inNormal )
	float DiffuseFactor = pow ( ( 1.0f + dot(-vecSunDir.xyz, InNormal) ) * 0.5f, DiffuseGradient ); 
	return lerp ( vecAmbient.rgb, vecSunColor.rgb, DiffuseFactor );
float3 texColor = texSample.rgb * doDiffuse ( inNormal );

Posted By: jumpman

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/29/17 23:13

Hi txesmi! I am very close to the final outcome of the shader laugh I need help figuring out what is happening to this portion of the Vertex Shader in regards to the cube map reflection. I currently have normal mapping+specular working! However, the cubemap reflection doesnt look correct when I have normal mapping and specular working. Here is the area Im having trouble with:

void SpecularVS(in float4 InPos		: POSITION,
				in float3 InNormal	: NORMAL,
				in float2 InTex		: TEXCOORD0,
				in float4 InTangent	: TEXCOORD2,
				out float4 OutPos	: POSITION,
				out float2 OutTex	: TEXCOORD0,
				out float3 OutNormal: TEXCOORD1,
				out float3 OutViewDir: TEXCOORD2,
				out float3 OutSunDir: TEXCOORD3,
				out float3 OutViewDir2: TEXCOORD4)
	OutPos = mul(InPos, matWorldViewProj); // Transform the vertex from object space to clip space:

//////////--------------------------- Having these 2 uncommented gives smooth cubemap reflections

//	OutNormal = normalize(mul(InNormal,matWorld)); 	// Transform the normal from object space to world space:
//	OutViewDir = vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld); // Calculate a vector from the vertex to the view:

/////////////-----------------Normal Mapping segment

	// Compute 3x3 matrix to transform from world space to tangent space:
	matTangent[0] = mul(InTangent.xyz, matWorld);
	matTangent[1] = mul(cross(InTangent.xyz,InNormal)*InTangent.w, matWorld);
	matTangent[2] = mul(InNormal, matWorld);


//	---------------------------------------------------------------------------OutNormal = normalize(mul(matTangent,matWorld));

//	OutNormal = normalize(mul(InNormal,matWorld))	
	OutViewDir = normalize(mul(matTangent, vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld))); 	// Calculate the view direction vector in tangent space:

	OutSunDir = normalize(mul(matTangent, -vecSunDir)); // Calculate the light direction vector in tangent space:


	OutTex = InTex; // Pass the texture coordinate to the pixel shader:


Thats the vertex shader part. If I uncomment this line before the normal map segment, the cubemap reflection is correct:

//Not considering normals
OutViewDir = vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld);

But if I uncomment this line:

//----Normal map OutViewDir
OutViewDir = normalize(mul(matTangent, vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld)));

the normal mapping specular component works correctly, however the cubemap is reflected strangely....I can see the cubemap showing seams in the model's mesh where the UV seams are.

What equation do I do, to get the cubemap reflecting correctly without showing seams?

with the OutViewDir meant for normal maps uncommented. Below you can see the seams:
OutViewDir = normalize(mul(matTangent, vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld)));

Below is the original OutViewDir not taking the normal map into account. This is the cubemap reflecting correctly:
OutNormal = normalize(mul(InNormal,matWorld));
OutViewDir = vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld);

Posted By: txesmi

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/30/17 09:48

I didn't remember the normal mapping tutorial uses tangent space in sun lighting. I am not sure if it helps or bothers crazy

As far as I understand there is no way of computing enviroment reflexion in tangent space because they need same coordinate system on every screen pixel.

You will need to perform the tangent space to world space texture normal transformation pixel side so vertex shaders incoming tangent is needed for pixel shading.

void SpecularVS( 
  in float4 InPos: POSITION, 
  in float3 InNormal: NORMAL,
  in float2 InTex: TEXCOORD0, 
  in float4 InTangent: TEXCOORD2, 
  out float4 OutPos: POSITION, 
  out float2 OutTex: TEXCOORD0, 
  out float3 OutNormal: TEXCOORD1, 
  out float3 OutTangent: TEXCOORD2, 
  out float3 OutViewDir: TEXCOORD3) 
// Transform the vertex from object space to clip space: 
  OutPos = mul(InPos, matWorldViewProj); 
// Transform the normal from object space to world space: 
  OutNormal = normalize(mul(InNormal, matWorld));
// Transform the tangent from object space to world space: 
  OutTangent = mul( InTangent.xyz, matWorld );
// Pass the texture coordinate to the pixel shader: 
  OutTex = InTex; 
// Calculate a vector from the vertex to the view: 
  OutViewDir = vecViewPos - mul(InPos, matWorld); 

then you can compute the world space normal into the pixel shader

// Read the normal from the normal map and convert from [0..1] to [-1..1] range 
float3 TSNormal = normalize ( ( NormalSample.rgb * 2.0f ) - 1.0f ); 
// Transform tangent space normal to world space
InNormal = normalize(InNormal); 
InTangent = normalize(InTangent); 
float3 BumpNormal = TSNormal.z * inNormal + TSNormal.x * inTangent + TSNormal.y * cross ( InNormal, InTangent );

Then you will only need to sustitute 'inNormal' by 'BumpNormal' in next code lines of the shader that worked in world space, not this last version you showed that works in tangent space.

Posted By: Kartoffel

Re: Specular Shader with specular map - 08/30/17 13:37

for cubemap reflections you might wanna use this:
float3 vNormal = ... (normalized world-space normal with normalmapping applied)
float3 vViewPixel = PixelWorldCoord - ViewWorldCoord;
float3 vReflected = reflect(vViewPixel, vNormal);
float3 ReflectionColor = texCUBE(smpCube, vReflected).rgb;

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