Self working Star Wars battle

Posted By: ShoreVietam

Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 16:46

Within the last 2 days I took some time to work with GS again (has been a long break).

Well but I wanted to do something that is completed fast, so it's nothing about Dragonrise or the MP stuff.

I made this Star Wars battle sceene that works totally automatical.
The ships hunt and destroy each other, search for targets and sometimes try to evade them.

ok I admin I didn't put too much time into effects programming, however it is nice to watch the battle going on!

Here's a screen of the "game" (show fits better).
To switch the ship you're watching just klick the left mouse button.

StarWars.exe - Self extracting WinRAR archive (~3.9 MB)

Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 17:27

very very cool
Posted By: SchokoKeks

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 17:56

I really liked it but why are those x-wings shooting at each other sometimes ^^ they should be killing those imperial bastards!!

great AI programming! may I use the models for my own project? I know they are intellectual property of george lucas, but couldn't i use it just for fun?
Posted By: ulf

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 18:04

respect, for 2 days this is a nice demo. although the x-wing are a little bit kamikaze you even implented friendly fire, did you know?
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 18:13

i am looking at the laser beam code you have, iv`e been after such an effect for a while, can you tell me what YOUR._Groesse == 1 means? is it for a bounding box or something?
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 18:26

Thanks guys!


"Groesse" means "size", the Ties and X-Wings have "size" 1 and the mother-ships have "size" 2.
"Size" 1 ships get shot more accurate than "size" 2 ships (that's why the random range is different).


The X-Wings are not really shooting each other, they just don't recognize if a friend is between them and their enemy...

The ship models are from "Yeda Kight II" and from somewhere else, thus they're not mine at all.


Sometimes the ships just don't recognize each other, but there's a "physical" problem if a TieFighter and a X-Wing are flying and firing at each other:

The Ties Lasers pass the X-Wing through the open Wings and the X-Wings lasers pass the Ties all around, thus they can't hit each other and finally don't have enough space left to evade if they're too close.

In normal combat the evasion range is enough, but not if the targets are moving towards each other.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 19:14

Indeed amazing work ShoreVietam, in just to days really nice work
I think some people can't even finish the models in two days ^^
But on the otherhand, you're a skilled 3dsg user, looking at the game it's quite obvious and even when the effets aren't that nice looking at a relative way it still looks great


Posted By: bstudio

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 19:14

Hmmmm for some reason the star destroyers look really dark on my laptop. Cool demo btw
Posted By: Nems

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 19:32

Awesome! but how do I make it my screensaver?
Posted By: Germanunkol

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 20:06

Man... exactly what I'm working on ... (AI for my game)
You're good. You're really good. Very nice work!!

How do you choose which ship to target next?
Just distance... or angles as well? (looks like the latter)

I could look at the code, I guess, but then i run the risk of taking some of your ideas on accident... and I don't really want to^^
Posted By: mk_1

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 20:15

My x-wings are flying straight into the star destroyer and *BOOM* no very clever imo...
Posted By: Nems

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/22/07 22:18

Hey mk_1, use mouse_left to switch ship views.
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/23/07 17:11


Well the models are not my own, they're from Jeda Knight II and somewhere else, but I had to rework some.


The Star Destroyer and Nebulon ships have lowered ambient values so that they're not too bright.


I didn't try to use it as screensaver, maybe change the "Star Wars.exe" to "Star Wars.scr"?


You're working on such a thing, too?
Then you'll maybe be glad to hear what conmes later.

The targeting is... way too simple, sure angle check and stuff would be possible, but I just take a random number and cycle through the entitys and count one down each time I find an enemy, if it reaches 0 the current pointer is returned. *shame on me* *lol*


Yes that's not really nice, the Star Destroyer is hard to handle because of his huge size, but I'm onto fixing it.

Now to new stuff

At the moment I'm working on some improvements.

I solved a quaternion bug which caused the battle to take part behind the star destroyer, now the battle takes part between the two starships, where it shall be.

I improved the movement code, now every rotation is accellerated corretly which makes the flight much smoother (and the targeting much more efficient as well as I noticed )

The kills of each figther are counted and shown now.

Destroyed ships fly controlless for a sec. while they fade out now.

The targeted enemy ship is marked with a crosshair now.

I didn't upload the latest version yet since I still want to improve it more until the next update

If you got some ideas on things to improve please let me know and I'll see what I can do!

So thanks for all your comments!
Greetings, Shore

Posted By: frazzle

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/23/07 19:19

One remark I must add to your last post, I see you like to use ' '
Srr for being off-topic ^^


Posted By: Nems

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/23/07 23:38

Spectator cam please, that would be great so that you can zoom in and out, follow ships of choice or jump to the ship being targeted to watch incoming shots.

Loose debri too from both the action and passing meteors or such with interactive results?
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/25/07 16:07


lol yes, now as you mention it.. (!)

In addition to the previous mentioned improvements I added a new camera system.
Now there are 4 camera-modes which can be accessed by the following keys:
1 - standart 3rd figther (person) view
2 - target view, looks towards the targeted enemy
3 - specator view, looks from the targeted enemy to the targeting ship
4 - cockpit view
5 - automatically cycle through the 4 previous views

StarWars.exe - Self extracting WinRAR archive (~3.9 MB)

Posted By: Puppeteer

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/25/07 17:13

nice.. sehr geil gemacht...
dass erinnert mich an das Ur-Raumschiffschlachtenspiel von Star wars
Star Wars. X-wing

Posted By: tompo

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/25/07 18:14

Looks better and better... nice lasers, explo effects, sounds... everything is nice Bravo to You.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/25/07 19:37

What I like about your games ShoreVietam is that you keep on updating it to the full capacity of its use which I appriciate alot
Again, nice update


Posted By: Tempelbauer

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/25/07 21:18

i like it too
good luck with it
Posted By: RJDL

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/26/07 13:15

@ shorevietam:
i love this demo, it's like really cool to watch...the only thing that annoys me is that the x-wings and tie-fighters keep colliding
apart from that: thumbs up!
Posted By: Damocles

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/26/07 14:09

One thing that you should change:

set the camera.arc=90; (or 80 or so)
This is especially important to have enough oversight in a 3-dimensional battle,
as the standard of 60 of the arc is always to low for first person views in games.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/26/07 19:50

Shorevietam you should make a screensaver out of it, would be perfect. (The colliding is okey, happens in the movie too sometimes actually..)

Posted By: Damocles

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/27/07 11:18

Does anyone know how to set up a 3dgs Program, so that it will start
as a screensaver?
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/27/07 13:37


Hab' ich zwar nie egspielt, aber vieleicht erinnert dich die neue version ja noch ein wenig merh daran..


I improved the sound atmosphere a bit by not creating far away sounds, what causes the engine and explosion sounds to stay alive until they are finished.


It's a matter of fun, I decide carefully what game I start making and normally it turns out as expected what makes a lot of fun and gives motivation in further improvements.


Good luck for what?
It's only a just for fun "demo", well but maybe contiec wants to use it (with own starship models and sounds) as a techdemo, who knows.


If fixed a lot of the collision problems, but more in the new features section.


I just read your posting about the camera angle, I tried it, but my cockpit model does not fit the view angle any more.


Well... do you know how to make it a screensaver?

It is now possible to take over X-Wings!

A new system heavily reduced the collision rate!

Full command list:
  • - Switch to another X-Wing: Mouse left in watch-mode
  • - Fire Blaster: Mouse left in battle-mode
  • - Switch to battle-mode (take over the current X-Wing): Mouse right in watch-mode
  • - Control X-Wing: WASD in battle-mode
  • - Accellerate X-Wing: left-shift in battle-mode
  • - Slow down X-Wing: left-ctrl in battle-mode
  • - Switch camera-mode: 1, 2, 3, 4 in watch-mode
  • - (De-)activate automatic camera-mode: 5 in watch-mode

StarWars.rar - WinRAR archive (~3.9 MB)

Hunting a Tie Fighter in battle-mode.

Posted By: frazzle

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/27/07 16:54

Nice update as always, 'the take over control options' is nice but it doens't fit the style of this game due to the fact that it was supposed to be a selfworking battle ^^ Anyway, nice effort


Posted By: alpha_strike

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/27/07 18:07

Hi Shore, nur eine Kleinigkeit, aber die Texturierung der Weltallkugel ist Dir sehr gelungen. Mir ist gleich die unheimlich hohe Dichte der Sterne aufgefallen und die Schärfe der Darstellung. Jedes einzelne Polygon auf eine Fläche zu setzten und dadurch einen Kacheleffekt zu erzielen, das ist sehr vorteilhaft.
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/27/07 18:58


Does anyone know how to set up a 3dgs Program, so that it will start
as a screensaver?

Shouldn't you only change the end of the name from .exe to .scr?
Thought I had read this on this forums years ago.
Don't know wether it still works and wether I remember it right.
Posted By: DoC

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/27/07 20:13

seehr geil ja wie xwing vs tie fighter oder xwing allianz ^^ richtig richtig nett muss man ja mal loben darauß könnte man so einiges an missionen usw. basteln bin gespannt und ja das weltall bissel noch aufpolieren vielleicht hab ich da noch ne schöne^^
Posted By: Damocles

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/27/07 20:44

Here is a tutorial to create a screensaver,
I have to see though it though, to see if it works.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/28/07 10:41


Shouldn't you only change the end of the name from .exe to .scr?
Thought I had read this on this forums years ago.
Don't know wether it still works and wether I remember it right.

Should still work, .scr files are just .exe files actually. I'm not sure if it works by just adding the project files to the windows directory where the 'exe' (renamed to .scr) file is located, but it's also possible to pack all the files into one exe file. Anyways, I think renaming the .exe should be enough actually,

Posted By: Damocles

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/28/07 12:10

yes, works. Just have to create an installer, that installs it into the windows/system32
(since the enduser should not have to copy things manually)
the exe just needs .scr

Cool, so I will create a nice little screensave if I have time
Posted By: MathewAllen

Re: Self working Star Wars battle - 05/30/07 17:22

When flying the x-wing the camera is really wonky I've ahd this problem before with trying to create a space game. :S
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Star Wars battle - Reworked - 11/30/07 18:48

Hi everyone!

I reworked the Star Wars "screensaver" on the graphical side (lasers, ships, normalmapping, space environment) and some internal stuff like improved targeting.

StarWars.rar - WinRAR archive (~3.8 MB)

But creating an RPG still is not so complicated as creating the mathematical functions for such a game! *lol*

Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Star Wars battle - Reworked - 11/30/07 19:02

Very cool! Too bad it's not very playable when you 'take control' of a fighter. Controls are slooooow and you don't quite stand a chance against the computer controlled fighters, but for a screensaver you did a great job,

Posted By: frazzle

Re: Star Wars battle - Reworked - 11/30/07 19:40

For screensaver this is great indeed, nice to see you kept working on it
The environment looks quite impressive, especially with the huge space ship in the background
Thanks again for the effort ShoreVietam ^^ !!


Posted By: Germanunkol

Re: Star Wars battle - Reworked - 11/30/07 22:31

"But creating an RPG still is not so complicated as creating the mathematical functions for such a game! *lol*"

ever tried to create a 3d radar?!
stuck on this one...:P

great update, very cool stuff!
I'm not sure I like the star wars style, simply because I'm more of a (Star) Trekker. but for fans, this is awesome!
And the overall project is simply great
Posted By: mpdeveloper_A

Re: Star Wars battle - Reworked - 11/30/07 22:32

I like it! But the stars need some help. Why not use a skymap? Other than that I really like it.
Posted By: mk_1

Re: Star Wars battle - Reworked - 12/01/07 12:21

TIE fighter and X-Wing are rendered in solid black.
geForce 7800gs
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: Star Wars battle - Reworked - 12/02/07 09:09


That's true, I don't play it, too.
The control was made quite simple, it still is AI controlled, only the target vector is replaced by a vector created from the key input and firing is blocked as long as no mouse button is clicked.

And I think in Lucas Arts games the Lasers are more like "Blocks" and their collision detection is not polygon precise but more bounding box based.


For a 3D radar I'd use the mathematical distance-dot-line (Abstand Punkt-Gerade) to get the "x-y distance" of the targets relative to the direction of view.


Is a skymap as static as model sphere?
At least it is square but however, I don't have a pic with such a huge size a I faked it with the tiled space sphere.


I used the normalmapping shader from the wiki.
Posted By: Puppeteer

Re: Star Wars battle - Reworked - 12/02/07 09:23


TIE fighter and X-Wing are rendered in solid black.
geForce 7800gs

same here with a 6800GS
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: Star Wars battle - Reworked - 12/02/07 09:27

Very nice ShoreVietam!

I can even play it pretty smoothly and kick some TIE's A$$
But its true: The computer AI is pretty hard, thus I get killed very often .. but its awesome to lean back and watch .. hey where is my popcorn?!
Posted By: Tachys

Re: Star Wars battle - Reworked - 12/18/07 17:34

Lovely stuff.... almost hard to believe the SD is a flat plane model.

The only problem I had with it is my vid card can't handle the shader model used... all I see of the fighters is black shaodws of where they should be. Looking at the models outside of the game, I'd love to see them with shaders applied.

hmmm.... just looked at the wdl, and if the effect was the problem, the SD should be a big black silhouette too....stenge. Oh well.

Any ideas? GeForce 5700 here.

Still... makes me want to take it and create a Star Destroyer assault game... Lone X-wing, guns blazing, taking down Turbolaser turrets, targeting stations, hangars... mmmmm.....
Posted By: ShoreVietam

Re: Star Wars battle - Reworked - 12/18/07 20:43

I'm not really familiar with shaders, that's the problem... =/

I once knew how to do render state stuff but i'd have to relearn it with higher shaders I only can play a bit if I already have a working thing.
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