Blender/modelling/animating help

Posted By: Blacko

Blender/modelling/animating help - 11/26/06 08:30

Ok, well i'm doing some models for a game thingy, any way i'm just wondering with all the animating and crap, and some other person who aint sure doing the coding so here's my questions

1. How do i set up the weapons and all, like in half life they have a "World Model" and a "Player Model", the World Model is the model everyone else outside the players eyes see the model, like usually really low poly and the Player Model a model thats a high poly good model that only the players eyes see the models and the players weapons are the same as the others so they can see all the same weapons, no World/player models just 1 model that everyone sees

so the question is : how is the model set up? how should it be set up the "Half Life way" or the other way, and how is the scripting done

2. How do i rig the chara in blender, tutorial or something?
*sub questions*
a)How do i animate/set up the chara for GS so like it goes along
with the player view, e.g. Look up, the model looks up

b)How do i set up the weapon model to the players hands, whats
the best way, and whats the scripting

c)Can i set up ragdoll in blender for GS, how? (tut or link plz)

3. Whats good poly for teh weapons and player models? so that it still looks
awesome and runs good?

4. Overall how do i set up player models and weapon models and the scripting is done, etc, like how is the models and all set up like in css so with the moving and crap lawl

Well thats confusing but try to make sense of is

I might edit this or something when someone says this is too confusing and try to make better sense but my eyes are hurting a bit
Posted By: Nowherebrain

Re: Blender/modelling/animating help - 11/27/06 11:10

"Ventilator" has a great plugin and a tutorial about animating and using blender.
just go to /Game Development - User Contributions/ and or do a search...I'd give a link, but I'm useless and don't know how.
your questions are fine..nothing is impossible, just improbable..besides there is always a way. I just have no experience with HL2 or 1st person shooters.
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: Blender/modelling/animating help - 11/27/06 11:20

Ventilators tut

Hi ya, Im assuming your not new to blender if your attempting to try this.Ventilators tutorial is an excellent place to begin with building and rigging armatures. Tho deffinately not the end... Theres lots of other tutorials found thru out the web most can be found in blenders wiki.

As for setting everything up in 3dgs theres lots of resources around for that just try to do a search. Grimber has contributed some great tips for attaching weapons ect...

Is your game a fps or 3rd person? If its fps then just model the arm/s and the weapons. You can then either animate them together or use scripting to attach the weapon to a vertex on the arm model.....

Sorry if this isnt makin sense its very early.
Posted By: Blacko

Re: Blender/modelling/animating help - 11/28/06 07:55

Yeh i know how to do armatures and all that crap, i was wondering does it set it self up automactically? ( just have to do the coding? ) just what i meant is, how do i set it up in game, like how when the player looks up the body looks up, etc, and does it right? etc? also it's fps multiplayer, thats why i want to know the coding, there was some other stuff i want to know but cant be bothered typing
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