hex map rendering

Posted By: sivan

hex map rendering - 12/12/14 22:35


I am currently examining the possibilities of using a hex map for a turn based strategy game. It would have some advantages over a square grid map I use in my RTS system. For conversions I found a good enough source: www.redblobgames.com/grids/hexagons/

The hex terrain height should be run-time deformable. I have 2 ideas:

- build up the map from smaller models containing several hexes, vertices are at hex middle and the 6 corners, and touching vertices of neighbouring models are snapped together (maybe lod, distance clipping, and restricted camera view can help performance);
- make it from a hmp terrain (or a model with similar regular grid), and shift vertices on x or y axis row by row increasingly by ent_g/setvertex (maybe causes terrain chunk errors or bad terrain lod), in this case vertices should be at hex middles (lower vertex resolution possible) and finally the regular grid is distorted into little rhombuses. It seems to be more easily manageable than the previous.

What do you think, is there any better practice with 3dgs to solve it effectively?

Posted By: sivan

Re: hex map rendering - 12/13/14 12:22

okay, nevermind, it would cost too much effort, modifying my existing grid system developed for RTS seems to be a perfect and fast solution. laugh
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