i think the most powerful(i dont know about richest america spends money on some pretty dumb $#!t) will be america. at this time we could kick enybodies a$$ we wanted to(plz dont take this afenscivly im just stayting what i see going on) the 50 states would have grown canada probly would have joined america and mabey part of mexico. i think that america will continue to help countries in need and in the end become dominent. oh as for technology we will probly live to the age of 170 yrs at the least do to medical breakthroughs and computers grown to the size of a keyboard with 10X the speed and power of a computer today. and that would just be our smaller computers. dicks would be the size of a floppy dick holding 100 of gigabite tvs would have deatale beter than life and video games having models with 100 of billions of polys all in 1 model overall a LOT will change hovercars are a posability but not as likely as robots walking around doing all sorts of oddjobs with the ability to learn(not much and not very well but still learn)