But the transformed energy is not lost, there will never be more and never be less energy than the current amount, so I believe there is a certain constant of the amount of energy. I was not searching for a way to create more energy, but rather a way to gain more and efficient energy than the current methods.

The method I discribed in my first post would substract it's energy from the magnetic force. Eventually the magnet field will fade and the energy transformation will stop, however since not only the magnetic field's energy is used for electric energy, but also friction (despite the zero-gravity), it's not an efficient way. You'd constantly need to rotate the magnet again, so it is certainly not convenient for satelites to use.

In the other energy post Matt discribed a theory to drain energy from gravity, and maybe somehow there is a way with this theory to do so, but it should cost some energy from another form. The point is here, to search for an energy form useless for human kind but can be used in the progress to convert to another type which IS usefull for us.

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