MD5 is possible, I could implement it as a separate function. You can call it whenever you like to crypt a string.

As Inestical said - this method is not reversible.
@Inestical (and at all others): Whenever you've got an idea about improving something in the dll - just tell me!

Furthermore, I have written a short explanation for full version features > Link <.
Especially the new possibilities with the source code are very interesting.
I will release this version soon.


PS: anyone had success with the demo version? I could upload a few examples, if you want them..

[EDIT] MD5 is implemented now (full version)! You just have to call
STRING* _md5(string) or
STRING* _md5File(filename)

and the hash is returned.

Last edited by Sinthoras; 10/09/06 20:17.