In my game I have a skycube that looks very nice at 100% on my image viewer , its a 24bit tga , theres no noticible artifacts or anything , however , when in-game it looks kind of pixalated , so I went back and opened my image viewer and resized the image to 200% , and it looked exactly like it looked in gamestudio. I had never noticed before , since most sky cubes I use are VERY high quality , so Im thinking I just hadnt noticed , this sku cube is still very good quality , and like I said before in 100% size in the image viewer there is no pixelation at all , but maybe its a but of a lower quality than the other ones or something , because its barely noticible with my other ones. Does anyone know if there is something that can be changed or something so It will render it to its original size ? I tried messing aroudn with the sky clip near and far but got nothing , any info appreciated.

Edit: By the way , the sky_cube is made up of six 512x512 24 bit tga images.

Last edited by Why_Do_I_Die; 10/03/06 13:56.