Pretty stupid me asking this but i seem to be having a problem with my button and its stumped me

i have all the panels in that i need and everything and i have the line of code for a button on one of my panels (i wanna fix this before adding the others) but it doesnt seem to work.

It doesnt come up with any errors or nothing the bitmap doesnt change into the one i told it to lol.

Any ideas ?? heres my code.


var video_mode = 8; // 800x600
var video_depth = 16; // 16 bit mode

string contestentry_wmb = <contestentry.wmb>;
bmap sitbutton = "sitbutton.bmp";
bmap sit = "sit.bmp";
bmap sleepbutton = "sleepbutton.bmp";

function main()
level_load (contestentry_wmb);
clip_size = 0; // show all the triangles for all the models
on_d = null; // disable the "D" key
fps_max = 40; // lock the frame rate to 40 fps

bmap bmap_background = <sit.bmp>;
panel panel1{
bmap = bmap_background;
pos_x = 70;
pos_y = 600;
layer = 1;
button = 0, 0, sitbutton, null, null, null, null, null;
flags = visible, transparent;

bmap bmap_background2 = <sleep.bmp>;
panel panel2{
pos_x = 310;
pos_y = 600;
layer = 1;
bmap = bmap_background2;
flags = visible, transparent;

bmap bmap_background3 = <jump.bmp>;
panel panel3{
pos_x = 550;
pos_y = 600;
layer = 1;
bmap = bmap_background3;
flags = visible, transparent;

bmap bmap_background4 = <breathfire.bmp>;
panel panel4{
pos_x = 800;
pos_y = 600;
layer = 1;
bmap = bmap_background4;
flags = visible, transparent;

bmap bmap_background5 = <exit.bmp>;
panel panel5{
pos_x = 800;
pos_y = 20;
layer = 1;
bmap = bmap_background5;
flags = visible, transparent;

The only button i have in there at the moment is for the first button.

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