Introducing the Kingdom Hearts Movement Tutorial for 3DGS. An indepth tutorial which will take you through the process of coding such movement, this tutorial will take you thorugh line by line of code, with a detailed explanation of each section of code. This tutorial features:

-non clipping 3rd person camera
-combat with combos, including airborne combat
-gravity, jumping and falling
-targeting/lock on system
-blending of vertex animations
-enemy dummies

You can download the tutorial here:

The tutorial resources:
Download Tutorial Resources (approx 8.8mb)

The tutorial documentation:
Download Tutorial Documentation (approx 0.9mb)

If those links arn't working, you can download both the resources and documentation here, however the files in this link may not be as up to date as the others above:
Download Tutorial (approx 9.7mb)

Please note the creator of the model has very kindly allowed the model to be used in this tutorial on the condition that the uv mapping on the skin be replaced, this is why the model in the tutorial is green.

If you come across any bugs in the code or tutorial process please let me know and I will fix it as soon as possible.

Thanks to Exile for the awesome model, and Kotakide for the cool animations.
