Yes, those questions are very good ones, that's what would have to be researched somehow.

I'm not quite getting though, why the big bang theory would be in favor of a religious viewpoint? It's not an atheistic viewpoint either, it's a scientific viewpoint, however I think I do understand where you are comming from, because of this quote;


Nowadays Science is geared toward atheism

Yes, it seems geared towards atheism, but that's because theists usually claim their religion can't be proven or disproven with science, since science doesn't deal with the supernatural and the like. In my opinion this claim is only true for about half of everything what might be possible to disproof. Disproving the bible would be a start and as for it's historical 'truths', it's very possible to disproof it, infact most of it doesn't get any true support by serious scientific research. Think of archaeological research not supporting some if not most of the biblical (historical) claims. (Most of the things that could be supported by archaeological research turns out to be exagerated at least if not downright wrong, that's one area of science that contradicts the bible, and there are more, like geology, but also in the physics area, like turning water into whine ...).

Okey, I'm drifting away off topic here I know, but since theists do not even have a theory other than 'it happened' and 'the big bang theory is wrong', I can't help it hehehe. Off course there's plenty of room to agree with the Big Bang theory and still be religious, but yeah ... often they don't ...


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