You may also try using model terrains instead of HMPs.
First, create them all with same size say 20000 x 20000 quants,
place them all in the centre origin (postion : 0,0,0) in WED,
then set their skill1 for x-axis and skill2 for y-axis like :

terrain 1 = skill 1 : 0, skill 2 : 20000
terrian 2 = skill 1 : -20000, skill 2 : -20000 etc...


// assign this action to all terrains
action positionTerrain
my.x = my.skill1;
my.y = my.skill2;
my.polygon = on; // sensitive of collision

// option : make them visible or invisble within
// the camera view distance to increase fps
if (vec_dist(my.x,camera.x) < camera.clip_far) // play with camera.clip_far
my.invisible = Off;
} else {
my.invisible = On;


It is much better than drag and place each terrain in WED.