Ludochrist, right now 3DWS doesn't export the terrain to 3DGS. 3DWS does except height map, and blending maps for the texture layers. So the workaround would be to use the same hmp, and blend maps for 3DWorld, and use them in a 3DGS multi texture shader. GS does have one included that works well. It's definitely nice to be able to modify the terrain right in the LE, so hopefully Josh at 3DWS will be able to have that export.

r00tsh3ll, I don't think the .wmp import is fully implemented yet.

Once it's fully compatible, I'd highly recommend 3DWS for 3DGS users. I created the warehouse compound seen in the screenshots with all geometry, 30 models, 60 textures, in under 5 days, so it's very efficient to work with.