OK - after some problems - D.E.L.L.A is just about ready. I am working on a simple MP (Multi-Player) level with D.E.L.L.A fully engaged. The level will use the NEW .dll to access the database - with a few NPC's and an "melee" combat system that will record drops - XP and such.

The chat system will be independent of the database.

Please note the .dll is only to access the database from a game. D.E.L.L.A "herself" is a complete admin module and works "behind the scenes". In other words, you create your relational databases as an admin - but make calls to the database via the .dll and .wdl to manipulate THAT DATA - (i.e., "add this - display results [as in completion of a quest or acquiring a weapon of health pack <- fps, ect]). SQL implemantion is up to you - but WILL NOT be able to be called from c-script. It slows the process down. Instead, if you are clever - can store your SQL in a seperate table (define as text field) - and call the query. That way - you will be able to "administrate" a new relational SQL based query quickly - without affecting game play, i.e., assign a new weapon or new NPC - a new quest or value by simply re-writing to the specific table.

I hope the have the level (with full - .wdl and a SHORT explanation up in the next week to 10 days.

Thank you all for your patience.

-Michael (aka - frozenbaby).

Some electrons may have been harmed in transmission, but most were caught in the "electronic condom" and recycled.