I have a plan to give everyone the eternalyouth that I have.

Tomorrow, and going off into next week... you all should feel and look as young as you were in the year 2000. Those of you who are atleast 30, you should atleast feel the affect. But do not worry. Unless you want to, you won't get younger than 11 days before your 24th birthday... unless you really really want to.

This should get you guys hope that (like me) you will be here, and young 10 thousand years in the future. So tell me, atleast by the end of the week how many of you are feeling as young as you did in the year 2000? However, it is possible that I may screw up and if I screw up... this will backfire and many of you will feel older. I hope I do not screw up. I will let you all know if I screwed up. If I screw up, only I will continue to experience the eternal youth.