
I have to say i dont entirely understand this suggestion. Shaders are all going to be different in some respects, becasue they do differetn things. They already use the same texture and variable naming conventions, because of the A6 interface.. so what do you really suggest actually be done?

Poeple can use FX files if they want, or include the effect in the wdl script. this is for flexibility..the effect is the same.

So please xplain what you mean more clearly.

i think he is talking about setting a standard so you can just drop in an user made .FX file and it works .. no having to write a bunch of functions to operate the matrices .. dont take away the abilites we have now to full customize it .. but to have standard .. Kinda of like Smee .. how they already the code for doing alot of things setup even if you dont use it ..