I have been experimenting with the sphere engine in A_6 version 6.4.2. I set it up to work on a purely scripted level instead of dropping entities into wed and assigning actions. I played around with most of the fx shader settings and integrated it into my rpg demo. I still need to adjust the shading to align properly with the light direction but the depth transparency and surface reflection shift nicely as you change the z value of the camera.
You can see the preliminary results as the last two pics in gallery 3, here is the link... http://zovera.com/page10.html

I am still looking for texture artists and modelers to help with the creation content. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me, as posted before, my goal is to put together a group of people to cover the main areas of game development and learn to work on development in a team environment, I have decided to put off a game outline untill this team is complete so that we may all have an equal chance to add our input at the very early stages of the project. Please contact me if you are interested.

Added a 4th gallery with the height blended terrain shader in the sphere engine changed to a color map blended terrain shader, still tweaking it as I started last night, here is the link...


Last edited by I_AM_DEFIANT; 03/14/06 14:14.