Has anyone tried this code and found a way to improve it? Zorro S version has functions that can incorporate better remote algorithmic control

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define TO_CSVHDR "Asset,Weight%%,Margin,Lots,MarginCost"
#define TO_CSV "\n%s,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f,%.0f"

char* Filename = "Data\\MyStrategy.csv"; // rotation list
char* Fileformat = "ss,f,f,f";
char* Outfile = "Log\\Rotation.log";
char* TickerSymbol = "*";
// char* TickerSymbol = "*-STK-SMART-USD!STOOQ:*";
#define NEWWEIGHT 1 // weight percent field number
#define NEWLOTS 3   // lots field number
#define LEVERAGE 1

double AssetInt[12]; // Assuming AssetInt is an array of doubles

void folioTrade(int LS) {
    // Assuming used_assets is an array of asset names
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(used_assets) / sizeof(used_assets[0]); i++) {
        if ((OpenLots > NewLots && LS < 0) || (OpenLots < NewLots && LS > 0)) {
            enterLong(NewLots - OpenLots);

int main() {
    int i;
    int Records;
    double Invest = 0;

    LookBack = 0;
    StartDate = NOW;
    SaveMode = 0;

    Filename = file_select("Data", "Rotation Lists\0*.csv\0\0");
    Records = dataParse(1, Fileformat, Filename);
    if (!Records) {
        return quit("CSV file not found");

    printf("\nSubscribing %i assets..", Records);
    brokerCommand(SET_PRICETYPE, 8); // get prices fast
    char Box[50000] = "\n---------------------------------";
    int Changed = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < Records; i++) {
        char* Ticker = dataStr(1, i, 0);
        assetAdd(Ticker, TickerSymbol);
        if (!asset(Ticker)) continue;
        NewLots = dataVar(1, i, NEWLOTS);
        OpenLots = brokerCommand(GET_POSITION, Ticker);
        double Margin = NewLots * priceC(0) / LEVERAGE;
        Invest += Margin;

        if (OpenLots != NewLots) {
            Changed = 1;
            strcat(Box, strf("\n%s \t%d -> %d@%s ($%.2f)",
                Asset, OpenLots, NewLots, sftoa(priceC(0), 2), Margin));
        } else if (OpenLots) {
            strcat(Box, strf("\n%s \t%d@%s ($%.2f)",
                Asset, OpenLots, sftoa(priceC(0), 2), Margin));

    strcat(Box, "\n---------------------------------");
    strcat(Box, strf("\nTotal margin $%s at %s",
        sftoa(Invest, 4), strdate(YMDHMS, NOW)));

    if (!Changed) {
        printf("\nPortfolio unchanged");
    } else {
        strcat(Box, "\nModify Portfolio?");
        if (msg(Box)) {
            strcat(Box, " Y");
            setf(TradeMode, TR_GTC);
            folioTrade(-1); // Short
            folioTrade(1);  // Long
            file_append(Outfile, Box, 0);
            exec("Editor", Outfile, 0);
        } else {
            printf("\nNo positions entered");

    return 0;

ZorroTraderGPT - https://bit.ly/3Gbsm4S