Originally Posted By: CocaCola
My level is generated by code can i make a BSP tree for entitys created with script (ent_create)?

No. the BSP tree is based on level blocks and regions but you can create regions by script. If you don't own a 3dgsPro license you can't show/hide entities by areas, just one by one.

Originally Posted By: CocaCola
with my.eflags |= CLIP0; i have mor fps but if I'm locking at a wall and I do see only the wall, the tab menue call me there are 3000 visible entitys, how can I chose erea for turn on off the visible?

That is not an easy task. You will need to cut your level somehow, link near entities to each chunk and back the visibility to each other so you can hide/show entities by chunks in a light and reliable way. That is how the BSP tree works actually. Otherway there is no info enough to know if something will be covered by other entity. Solid entities are not sorted by the distance to the camera in the rendering stage.