Yes your completely right and I already hammered my head with it the first moment I realised I lost the file. The thing is I do version control for some other project and most previous projects, but for some reason it completely forgot to do it for this one. Somewhat luckily I found a file from ~1,5 months ago and do remember what features I added and somewhat how I added. Still f*ck this laptop with its f*cking hybrid ssHd which has given me so many weird problems (windows also started to giving drive errors yesterday so I suspect that is how the file got corrupted but its only 1 year old laptop and I use it carefully frown ). [end rant]

Also sadly Recuva didn't work, good program though if you accidently deleted stuff (but I c&p it so it didn't work).

Last edited by Reconnoiter; 09/13/16 18:29.