Trying to point my game towards a reasonable save directory by way of GetEnvironmentVariable here, without much luck. Per instructions on the manual (and guidance from Microsoft's documentation), I added this code near the top of my script:

#include <windows.h>
DWORD WINAPI GetEnvironmentVariable(char* lpName, char* lpBuffer, DWORD nSize);
#define PRAGMA_API GetEnvironmentVariable;kernel32!GetEnvironmentVariableA

However, while this combination does compile without giving me any syntax errors (or telling me it's not in the DLL), it apparently does not manage to import, as when I try to call it in main(), I get the error "Empty function called":

str_cpy(save_dir, "");
    GetEnvironmentVariable("AllUsersProfile", _chr(save), 128);
    str_cat(save, "\\[game name redacted]");
    CreateDirectory(_chr(profileTempStr), 0);

Am I missing something here? Or is there a better way to point my save_dir to an acceptable location?