Originally Posted By: Malice
I didn't get this one to be honest. Maybe you meant something like 'bumpmapping' to 'faux it's shape', or what?

Not really,Bump-mapping is to change normals to cause a 3d distortion. I'm talking about more like per-frame shadow mapping. Right now the whole sprite gets a uniformed shadow. A flat shadow across the flat surface. Which just adjust the surface color by a gray-scale(or color-scale). But the shadow can make the shape pop up it using a map.

Pictures - QaD for example
From top left - Hand and Gun - Shadow map - Shadow mapped hand 100% -Shadowmapped 50%

Hand and Gun
Shadow map
Shadow mapped hand 100%
Shadowmapped 50%

So you can get d-shadows with intensity by light distance and using 4 mapping per -frame you could lerp/blend (whatever) by light-source direction.

So the shadow will faux the shaped of the sprite object.
Anyway just an idea and post just for clarification sake.

Great work man !
This looks sweet. I got the idea now, but I guess I'm not going to implement this one, cause it's going to be out of place (to my taste), but it looks like a nice idea to make sprites less 'flat'. Thank you for kind words, your time and the idea man!

My best regards!

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