Yeah, I'm looking forward to Windows 10. There were rumours the other day that Windows 9 will be a free update to Windows 8 users (a Service Pack with a bigger number to shake off some stigma, really), and since they're saying 10 is still very early in development, perhaps Windows 9 isn't technically being skipped altogether.

But yeah, looking forward to what is hopefully the next good one in their backpedal-from-the-bad-and-improve-the-good cycle.

EDIT: On second thought, having actually looked through MasterQ32's link this time, they're quite open about not having a "Windows 9" at all. Never mind my rambling.

I'm just looking forward to seeing what comes of this!

Last edited by JibbSmart; 10/01/14 05:34.

Formerly known as JulzMighty.
I made KarBOOM!