This allows for the triggers to operate. If anyone finds an algorithm for both triggers, I, Feindbild, and many others would appreciate it very much, until then Here is how you can get started with the triggers laugh

var left_trigger;
var right_trigger;

var left_trigger_press;
var right_trigger_press;

function hold_triggers(){
    left_trigger = maxv(joy_raw.z/255,0);
    right_trigger = abs(minv(joy_raw.z/255,0));

    left_trigger_press = (left_trigger>0);
    right_trigger_press = (right_trigger>0);

action suchandsuch(){

        if(left_trigger_press == 1 && right_trigger_press == 0){this();}
        if(right_trigger_press == 1 && left_trigger_press == 0){this();}


Thank you for the contributiono Oliver2s laugh
I hope this is helpful for anyone else

Last edited by DevoN; 04/02/14 06:33.

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