You are totally right, sorry. I botched the supersampling xP

now the supersampled image looks as expected
float2 texCoor = inTex.xy / 2.0;
texCoor += vecViewPort.zw * 0.25f;
finalColor.rgb = tex2D ( mtlSkin1Sampler, texCoor.xy ).rgb;

and this is the downsampled image
float2 offset[4] = {  1,  1, -1,  1,  1, -1, -1, -1 };
float2 texCoor = inTex.xy*2.0f + vecViewPort.zw*0.25f; 
float2 fScale = vecViewPort.zw * 0.125f;
for ( int i=0; i<4; i+=1 )
	float2 Offset = offset[i].xy * fScale;
	tex.rgb += tex2D ( mtlSkin1Sampler, texCoor.xy+Offset.xy ).rgb * 0.25f;