I just wrote a really long post, but I'm getting very off topic.
I dont believe Unity is better just because of portability. With the new Windows 8 (about to conquer all devices in the future by what I've seen and heard...) portability wont be the most wanted option, and I tought people knew this.
I've never ever wanted my projects to be compatible with Mac or Linux because Mac and Linux just werent designed for gaming. Windows is designed for user experience, Linux is designed for maximum utility and control (I have almost no experience with Mac)
As for Android, mobile game design is a breeze with its simplistic point-click game mechanics and minimalistic features. Thats exactly why Android games are no fun. People constantly buy new apps with the hope that some app might get their attention, unfortunately mobile apps cant reach PC games in the near 10 years, not by graphics and certainly not by profit.
Dont people know this? The devs should show it, or more like shout it...

PS.: ventilator, oliver2s, havent seen you in years laugh Dont worry, I was never in the spotlight, you cant possibly remember me.

Can someone contact the devs with a proposition to make a promotional AAA title, just to show the posibilities of 3DGS? Even if it is a community project, or certain coders be chosen (who proved their skill in the past) to make such a title to attract the old guys and newcommers. I believe with such a project for showcase many, many game dev companies will switch to 3DGS. And, not to sound too optimistic for nothing, we all gain by this...Flourishing community means more help and jobs/contracts and better new ideas and so on. Possibly more frequent updates and feature requests laugh

I'm hopeless, right? tongue

Extensive Multiplayer tutorial: