Mah! I didn't saw this thread until now. My vote were be "I enjoyed it". I stopped playing at that time for no particular reasons (real life issues, I guess). But what I disliked about that game were the gates to Oblivion-stages; the same goes for Skyrim, I really hated the randomized-dragon stuff (except for the story-driven epic battles).

What is questionable, too, is the whole magic thing (for me). This in particluar destroyed the fun factor of Skyrim. All I did after a while was running around in dungeons, fire-fisting my enemies, then a bit of hacknslash, then throwing in some portions, magic again and if I ran out of potions I flew, healing myself. In one scene, in which some guards lured me into an ambush in a small temple room, I literally ran around the table so long until I recovered my health - silly! I think the choices at the beginning like "I want to be a warrior, so no magic for me" should have not a subtle, but a very strong effect.

What I always liked and what I enjoyed more than the main story were the massive amounts of sidequests. The stories which were told were sometimes so charming, entertaining, crazy or badass. That was always for me a reason to play the game - and not because of DRAGONS. The thieves guild sidequest in Skyrim was really a blast and would be a reason for me to play it again (maybe because I am highly attracted by THIEF games).

Last edited by HeelX; 04/01/13 08:59.