I've been in this thread at least four times now, so I count as at least 4 views.
Also keep in mind that the forum is crawled by all sorts of spiders, bots and people who just came here from google. They also count as view, yet they can't respond in any way.

Anyways, I can't give you an opinion (after all I'm a Mac fag and only here because... Uhmm, I don't even know, for some reason I guess...). But I would like to congratulate you! Finishing a project is always a great accomplishment and you have shown more than once that you are capable of that (if I had a hat and were in close proximity to you, I would tip aforementioned hat now).

Two more things though:
1) Even if no one recognizes your work, keep in mind that you learned something from it! I haven't had one project were I didn't learn or realized one new thing, and those things are always valuable. You never know when you might need them, so it wasn't all for nothing.
2) Something something... I totally forgot what I planned to write here, sorry.

Edit: Just remembered number 2: Neither this thread nor the rar file/source code contain any kind of license. Please pick an open source license to publish your project under because otherwise everything is still protected under your copyright and it's not legal to use anything from it! Just giving out the source code to everyone isn't enough to make something open source, please keep that in mind.

Last edited by JustSid; 03/16/13 04:29.

Shitlord by trade and passion. Graphics programmer at Laminar Research.
I write blog posts at feresignum.com