
I have also tried librocket (while Panda3D 1.8 has been released). I think that your problem is with render states (Some states used by the engine are [incompatible] with the states required to render librocket). It is possible to make them work together ( I have tried using a naive aproach that caused some slowdown), but you need to identify those states and enable/disable them based on the context you wand to render (librocket/engine). Renderering librocket on a BMAP (and a better input integration) is also something that needs more investigation.

GWEN also is good (More components but with traditional GUI programming - no HTML/CSS - Can be good for tools) (http://code.google.com/p/gwen/) but the last time I tried it (while it was hosted at code.google.com) it had some bugs with tree components. Now it is hosted on github and seems to be actively developed again.