For gods sake! Is it really that hard to answer my question!

I may be whining, but I AM behaving like a programmer.
I am looking at ALL possible avenues to solve my problem.
But obviously no-one wants to help me determine the validity of
THIS particular avenue...

JCL: I KNOW there are other ways to solve this issue. Probably BETTER ways.
But Im not askling about them. Im just asking is there a way to release the
cloned entity data WITHOUT releasing the WHOLE entity?

I understand WHY ent_clone & ent_morph are consuming memory as they are.
And I dont disagree with it, nor do I think its a bug. Its fine.
Im just looking for a POSSIBLE way of bypassing it.

Ent_remove being slower than ent_morph is obvious, as is ent_morph creating
orphans if used un-wisely. I dont feel the manual NEEDS to explain that.
It was pretty obvious to me after one test run.

There are obvious solutions to my problem... YES.
There are simple solutions to my problem... YES, to a degree.
But I prefer to examine all the POSSIBLE solutions that I can think of,
before deciding which to work with.

And so this discussion... it is all about ONE possible solution.
I was asking for help to see if it was POSSIBLE to be of use to me.

BUT ... seeing as no-one wants to answer the question, Im going to write off
this entire discussion/thread as a WASTE OF MY BLOODY TIME... and hair!


I'll see you guys around once Ive cooled off a bit.
I apologise if Ive offended anyone... no hard feeling OK?

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