Hi jcl,

Ive been busy trying to write some very simple trading practice code and I was wondering if you might be able to help me out here. All Im trying to achieve is a simple strategy that looks at the day high and the day low from yesterday and if the price breaks the high then enterlong, with the vice versa for the short with simple profit and stop rules.


#include "include\indicators.c"
function run()
var *Price = series(price());
var High = dayHigh(UTC,1);
var Low = dayLow(UTC,1);

if(*Price > (High + 3*PIP))
Stop = Low - 1*PIP;
Profit = 20*PIP;
else if (*Price < (Low - 1*PIP))
Stop = High + 3*PIP;
Profit = 20*PIP;

My first problem is that the complier says that dayHigh is an undeclared identifier. I got the dayHigh function from the manual and there is actually an example there too that uses it so I dont quite understand what Ive done wrong here any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Reading the manual again it says I can find the day functions in the indicators.c file took me a while but Im not getting an error trying to load it but I still get the identifier error for dayHigh.