Hiya guys.

Im new to Blender, and Ive been self-learning 2.61 for a couple of weeks now.

I DONT want to mess around with pluins, or other versions, so please
keep all answers 2.61-specific. And as a BTW, Im using A8 commercial.

I may possibly put questions other than just skinning in this thread from time to time.
But my skinning and export to MED is what Im having difficulties with ATM.

Basically, Ive finally gotten the GUI to be ALMOST the way I like, but I may
still have bits of the GUI hiding that I need, so be aware of that.
If they ARE currently hiding, I may not even be aware of their existance.
My GUI is VERY different from the default ATM cause Im currently just modelling
'static' buildings and sections thereof.

So, enough of the background information, lets get on to my actual 'problem', SKINNING.

In a nutshell, I can sucessfully skin an object to my satisfaction WITHIN blender.
By this I have created a UV map, a material using that UV, and a texture for that material.
I then make it easily 'visible' on the object in all (quad) windows by setting the
object shading type to 'GLSL', and setting the material/s shading to 'shadeless'.
Please note, I have only done SINGLE material/texture/UV work SO FAR... I will expand later.

So, the object 'looks good' to me, inside Blender anyway.

BUT, when I try to export from Blender, and then import to MED, it all goes to hell...
So this is where I need the help.

I dont know if my materials/textures are somehow 'inappropriatly' configured in Blender,
or if Im doing something dumb when importing into MED... Or maybe Im just expecting too much...

When I export/import as 3DS, the model I get in MED is sized correctly, and the UV-mapping
comes through OK. ... BUT ... there is no texture attached to the skin containing the UV.
Simply adding the texture then lines-up to the UV mapping perfectly.
But is there a 'trick' to getting it to load the texture-file automatically.
(In the past Ive generated 3DS files in other programs and they successfully linked
to the image files automatically when imported into MED, so it aint MED at fault.)

Alternatively, when I export/import as FBX (which Ive never done before), the model I get in MED
is sized correctly, but there is NO UV-mapping or skins brought through.
I do not know which 'version' of FBX is being exported by 2.61, so maybe its not 2010 any more...

I have not YET tried the exporting/importing in the OBJ format, but Im going to try that now...

So, If anyone has any advice, hints, tips or links to useful information to help me get past
this part of the Blender learning-curve, I would appreciate it very much.

I have learned what I have through hands-on 'playing' and a few very poor quality you-tubes.

Thanks muchly guys...

"There is no fate but what WE make." - CEO Cyberdyne Systems Corp.
A8.30.5 Commercial