Thank you for your extensive feedback. Some great ideas you got there and i am happy to hear that atmosphere is good laugh. I will defenitely add more maps, weapons and i want to add secrets too (i am thinking about what would be good but not game-breaking rewards). I want to let secrets feel unique too (maybe a minigame or something like that, dont expect to much of that though since that is new for me :P).

About the level design grade, I know it can be improved but i dont know how to handle/tackle it. Should i add some eye candy, or more interacting with the environment or redesign/rebuild some parts?

When entering level 2 (the space map), walk forward till you come across a ceiling turret with a wall behind it. The wall can be destroyed (with alternate melee attack or energy/explosive weapons like the pistol), giving acces to a mini armory where you can find some ammo and weapon 3.

Since in the end of map 2 you would have weapon 3 that can fire flares with alternate attack, i was thinking about making the third map (not yet made) really dark and give the player a flashlight (maybe an upgrade for the weapon 2 the pistol). That gives me an idea actually, what do you guys think of the addition of weapon upgrades? Maybe that would be great rewards for secret areas too, like a silencer or extended magazine for the pistol and such.

Anyway, I first need to fix some save/load bug (i will ask about it on 'starting with gamestudio' part of the forum).