Originally Posted By: Cielo
Conitec can easily melt with others, replacing MED with lets say for example wings3d,milkshape, and those people will for sure agree,just share sum of the money earned and make this a better thing.
But i think it has something to do with the way GS works with itself.

Oh noes, please don't! --- As far as I know they are just making a new WED, so, a new MED would be pretty neat. And if I would develop it, I would not only insert an in-engine window, I also would work out tight support with at least one major 3D package, plus lots of usecase-related stuff that has not only something to do with game dev, but also with specific Gamestudio tasks.

Actually, that isn't so hard once you understood how to work with the MDL7 SDK. I wrote a dll (ackhmp.dll) that completely supports hmp files (loading, saving, editing), so, basically, a full rewrite of MED, inengine style, with 100% support for Gamestudio terrains is theoretically possible with that, plus, neat features to edit and maybe support for other common terrain input file formats and things.

But neither am I Conitec nor do I have the time to do it, unless its paid. I have sort of a world editor in the making for a client and it would be cool to extend it once the game shipped this year, because it is so much fun to work out something cool, especially when there are people, which have a potential use for that. But a new MED would be cool as well, yeah.